Mod Creation_Developer Reference_Items and Equipments Data - risk-of-thunder/R2Wiki GitHub Wiki
Items and Equipments Data
Last Updated: Seekers of the Storm DLC Release
To update this page:
Index | Code Name | Real Name | Tier | Tags | DLC |
Count | AACannon | ITEM_AACANNON_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
1 | AdaptiveArmor | ITEM_ADAPTIVEARMOR_NAME | No Tier | Utility | No DLC |
2 | AlienHead | Alien Head | Red | Utility | No DLC |
3 | ArmorPlate | Repulsion Armor Plate | White | Utility | No DLC |
4 | ArmorReductionOnHit | Shattering Justice | Red | Damage | No DLC |
5 | ArtifactKey | Artifact Key | Boss | WorldUnique | No DLC |
6 | AttackSpeedAndMoveSpeed | Mocha | White | Damage, Utility | Survivors of the Void |
7 | AttackSpeedOnCrit | Predatory Instincts | Green | Damage | No DLC |
8 | AutoCastEquipment | Gesture of the Drowned | Lunar | Utility, EquipmentRelated | No DLC |
9 | Bandolier | Bandolier | Green | Utility, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
10 | BarrierOnKill | Topaz Brooch | White | Utility, Healing, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
11 | BarrierOnOverHeal | Aegis | Red | Utility, Healing | No DLC |
12 | Bear | Tougher Times | White | Utility, BrotherBlacklist | No DLC |
13 | BearVoid | Safer Spaces | Void White | Utility, BrotherBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
14 | BeetleGland | Queen's Gland | Boss | Utility, CannotCopy | No DLC |
15 | Behemoth | Brilliant Behemoth | Red | Damage | No DLC |
16 | BleedOnHit | Tri-Tip Dagger | White | Damage | No DLC |
17 | BleedOnHitAndExplode | Shatterspleen | Boss | Damage | No DLC |
18 | BleedOnHitVoid | Needletick | Void White | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
19 | BonusGoldPackOnKill | Ghor's Tome | Green | Utility, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
20 | BoostAllStats | Growth Nectar | Red | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
21 | BoostAttackSpeed | ITEM_BOOSTATTACKSPEED_NAME | No Tier | Damage | No DLC |
22 | BoostDamage | ITEM_BOOSTDAMAGE_NAME | No Tier | Damage | No DLC |
23 | BoostEquipmentRecharge | ITEM_BOOSTEQUIPMENTRECHARGE_NAME | No Tier | EquipmentRelated | No DLC |
24 | BoostHp | ITEM_BOOSTHP_NAME | No Tier | Utility | No DLC |
25 | BossDamageBonus | Armor-Piercing Rounds | White | Damage, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
26 | BounceNearby | Sentient Meat Hook | Red | Damage | No DLC |
27 | BurnNearby | ITEM_BURNNEARBY_NAME | No Tier | Damage | No DLC |
28 | CaptainDefenseMatrix | Defensive Microbots | Red | Utility, WorldUnique, RebirthBlacklist | No DLC |
29 | ChainLightning | Ukulele | Green | Damage | No DLC |
30 | ChainLightningVoid | Polylute | Void Green | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
31 | Clover | 57 Leaf Clover | Red | Utility | No DLC |
32 | CloverVoid | Benthic Bloom | Void Red | Utility, OnStageBeginEffect | Survivors of the Void |
33 | ConvertCritChanceToCritDamage | ITEM_CONVERTCRITCHANCETOCRITDAMAGE_NAME | No Tier | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
34 | CooldownOnCrit | Wicked Ring | No Tier | Utility | No DLC |
35 | CrippleWardOnLevel | ITEM_CRIPPLEWARDONLEVEL_NAME | No Tier | Utility, CannotCopy | No DLC |
36 | CritDamage | Laser Scope | Red | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
37 | CritGlasses | Lens-Maker's Glasses | White | Damage | No DLC |
38 | CritGlassesVoid | Lost Seer's Lenses | Void White | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
39 | CritHeal | ITEM_CRITHEAL_NAME | No Tier | Healing | No DLC |
40 | Crowbar | Crowbar | White | Damage | No DLC |
41 | CutHp | ITEM_CUTHP_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
42 | Dagger | Ceremonial Dagger | Red | Damage, OnKillEffect, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
43 | DeathMark | Death Mark | Green | Damage | No DLC |
44 | DelayedDamage | Warped Echo | White | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
45 | DrizzlePlayerHelper | ITEM_DRIZZLEPLAYERHELPER_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
46 | DroneWeapons | Spare Drone Parts | Red | Damage, CannotCopy, AIBlacklist, BrotherBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
47 | DroneWeaponsBoost | ITEM_DRONEWEAPONSBOOST_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | Survivors of the Void |
48 | DroneWeaponsDisplay1 | ITEM_DRONEWEAPONSDISPLAY1_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | Survivors of the Void |
49 | DroneWeaponsDisplay2 | ITEM_DRONEWEAPONSDISPLAY2_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | Survivors of the Void |
50 | ElementalRingVoid | Singularity Band | Void Green | Damage, Utility | Survivors of the Void |
51 | EmpowerAlways | ITEM_EMPOWERALWAYS_NAME | No Tier | Utility, BrotherBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
52 | EnergizedOnEquipmentUse | War Horn | Green | Damage, EquipmentRelated | No DLC |
53 | EquipmentMagazine | Fuel Cell | Green | Utility, EquipmentRelated | No DLC |
54 | EquipmentMagazineVoid | Lysate Cell | Void Green | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
55 | ExecuteLowHealthElite | Old Guillotine | Green | Damage, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
56 | ExplodeOnDeath | Will-o'-the-wisp | Green | Damage, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
57 | ExplodeOnDeathVoid | Voidsent Flame | Void Green | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
58 | ExtraLife | Dio's Best Friend | Red | Utility | No DLC |
59 | ExtraLifeConsumed | Dio's Best Friend (Consumed) | No Tier | Utility | No DLC |
60 | ExtraLifeVoid | Pluripotent Larva | Void Red | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
61 | ExtraLifeVoidConsumed | Pluripotent Larva (Consumed) | No Tier | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
62 | ExtraShrineItem | Chance Doll | Green | CannotDuplicate, Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
63 | ExtraStatsOnLevelUp | Prayer Beads | Green | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
64 | FallBoots | H3AD-5T v2 | Red | Utility, Damage, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
65 | Feather | Hopoo Feather | Green | Utility, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
66 | FireRing | Kjaro's Band | Green | Damage | No DLC |
67 | FireballsOnHit | Molten Perforator | Boss | Damage | No DLC |
68 | Firework | Bundle of Fireworks | White | Damage, AIBlacklist, InteractableRelated | No DLC |
69 | FlatHealth | Bison Steak | White | Healing, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
70 | FocusConvergence | Focused Convergence | Lunar | Utility, AIBlacklist, CannotCopy, HoldoutZoneRelated | No DLC |
71 | FragileDamageBonus | Delicate Watch | White | Damage, LowHealth | Survivors of the Void |
72 | FragileDamageBonusConsumed | Delicate Watch (Broken) | No Tier | No Tag | Survivors of the Void |
73 | FreeChest | Shipping Request Form | Green | Utility, OnStageBeginEffect, AIBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
74 | Ghost | ITEM_GHOST_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
75 | GhostOnKill | Happiest Mask | Red | Utility, Damage, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
76 | GoldOnHit | Brittle Crown | Lunar | Utility | No DLC |
77 | GoldOnHurt | Roll of Pennies | White | Utility, AIBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
78 | GoldOnStageStart | War Bonds | Red | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
79 | GummyCloneIdentifier | ITEM_GUMMYCLONEIDENTIFIER_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
80 | HalfAttackSpeedHalfCooldowns | Light Flux Pauldron | Lunar | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
81 | HalfSpeedDoubleHealth | Stone Flux Pauldron | Lunar | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
82 | HeadHunter | Wake of Vultures | Red | Utility, Damage, AIBlacklist, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
83 | HealOnCrit | Harvester's Scythe | Green | Healing | No DLC |
84 | HealWhileSafe | Cautious Slug | White | Healing | No DLC |
85 | HealingPotion | Power Elixir | White | Healing, LowHealth, AIBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
86 | HealingPotionConsumed | Empty Bottle | No Tier | Healing | Survivors of the Void |
87 | HealthDecay | ITEM_HEALTHDECAY_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
88 | Hoof | Paul's Goat Hoof | White | Utility | No DLC |
89 | IceRing | Runald's Band | Green | Damage | No DLC |
90 | Icicle | Frost Relic | Red | Damage, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
91 | IgniteOnKill | Gasoline | White | Damage, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
92 | ImmuneToDebuff | Ben's Raincoat | Red | Utility, Healing | Survivors of the Void |
93 | IncreaseDamageOnMultiKill | Chronic Expansion | White | Damage, OnKillEffect, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
94 | IncreaseHealing | Rejuvenation Rack | Red | Healing | No DLC |
95 | IncreasePrimaryDamage | Luminous Shot | Green | Damage, Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
96 | Incubator | Ancestral Incubator | No Tier | Utility, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
97 | Infusion | Infusion | Green | Utility, Healing, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
98 | InvadingDoppelganger | ITEM_INVADINGDOPPELGANGER_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
99 | JumpBoost | Wax Quail | Green | Utility, SprintRelated | No DLC |
100 | KillEliteFrenzy | Brainstalks | Red | Utility, AIBlacklist, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
101 | KnockBackHitEnemies | Knockback Fin | White | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
102 | Knurl | Titanic Knurl | Boss | Utility, Healing | No DLC |
103 | LaserTurbine | Resonance Disc | Red | Damage, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
104 | LemurianHarness | ITEM_LEMURIANHARNESS_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
105 | LevelBonus | ITEM_LEVELBONUS_NAME | No Tier | Utility | No DLC |
106 | LightningStrikeOnHit | Charged Perforator | Boss | Damage | No DLC |
107 | LowerHealthHigherDamage | Bolstering Lantern | White | Utility, Damage, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
108 | LowerPricedChests | Sale Star | Green | CannotDuplicate, Utility, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
109 | LowerPricedChestsConsumed | Sale Star (Consumed) | No Tier | Utility, OnStageBeginEffect | Seekers of the Storm |
110 | LunarBadLuck | Purity | Lunar | Utility | No DLC |
111 | LunarDagger | Shaped Glass | Lunar | Damage | No DLC |
112 | LunarPrimaryReplacement | Visions of Heresy | Lunar | Damage, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal | No DLC |
113 | LunarSecondaryReplacement | Hooks of Heresy | Lunar | Damage, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal | No DLC |
114 | LunarSpecialReplacement | Essence of Heresy | Lunar | Damage, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal | No DLC |
115 | LunarSun | Egocentrism | Lunar | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
116 | LunarTrinket | Beads of Fealty | Lunar | ObliterationRelated | No DLC |
117 | LunarUtilityReplacement | Strides of Heresy | Lunar | Utility, AIBlacklist, CannotSteal | No DLC |
118 | LunarWings | Blessings of Terafirmae | No Tier | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
119 | MageAttunement | ITEM_MAGEATTUNEMENT_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
120 | Medkit | Medkit | White | Healing | No DLC |
121 | MeteorAttackOnHighDamage | Runic Lens | Red | Damage, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
122 | MinHealthPercentage | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC | |
123 | MinionLeash | ITEM_MINIONLEASH_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
124 | MinorConstructOnKill | Defense Nucleus | Boss | OnKillEffect | Survivors of the Void |
125 | Missile | AtG Missile Mk. 1 | Green | Damage | No DLC |
126 | MissileVoid | Plasma Shrimp | Void Green | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
127 | MonsoonPlayerHelper | ITEM_MONSOONPLAYERHELPER_NAME | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
128 | MonstersOnShrineUse | Defiant Gouge | Lunar | Utility, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
129 | MoreMissile | Pocket I.C.B.M. | Red | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
130 | MoveSpeedOnKill | Hunter's Harpoon | Green | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
131 | Mushroom | Bustling Fungus | White | Healing, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
132 | MushroomVoid | Weeping Fungus | Void White | Healing | Survivors of the Void |
133 | NearbyDamageBonus | Focus Crystal | White | Damage | No DLC |
134 | NegateAttack | Antler Shield | White | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine, AIBlacklist | Seekers of the Storm |
135 | NovaOnHeal | N'kuhana's Opinion | Red | Damage | No DLC |
136 | NovaOnLowHealth | Genesis Loop | Boss | Damage, LowHealth | No DLC |
137 | OnLevelUpFreeUnlock | Longstanding Solitude | Lunar | HalcyoniteShrine, Utility, Damage | Seekers of the Storm |
138 | OutOfCombatArmor | Oddly-shaped Opal | White | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
139 | ParentEgg | Planula | Boss | Damage | No DLC |
140 | Pearl | Pearl | Boss | Utility, WorldUnique | No DLC |
141 | PermanentDebuffOnHit | Symbiotic Scorpion | Red | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
142 | PersonalShield | Personal Shield Generator | White | Utility | No DLC |
143 | Phasing | Old War Stealthkit | Green | Utility, LowHealth | No DLC |
144 | Plant | Interstellar Desk Plant | Red | Healing, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
145 | PlantOnHit | ITEM_PLANTONHIT_NAME | No Tier | Damage | No DLC |
146 | PlasmaCore | ITEM_PLASMACORE_NAME | No Tier | Damage | No DLC |
147 | PrimarySkillShuriken | Shuriken | Green | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
148 | RandomDamageZone | Mercurial Rachis | Lunar | Utility | No DLC |
149 | RandomEquipmentTrigger | Bottled Chaos | Red | Utility, EquipmentRelated | Survivors of the Void |
150 | RandomlyLunar | Eulogy Zero | Lunar | Utility, BrotherBlacklist | Survivors of the Void |
151 | RegeneratingScrap | Regenerating Scrap | Green | Utility, PriorityScrap, CannotDuplicate, OnStageBeginEffect | Survivors of the Void |
152 | RegeneratingScrapConsumed | Regenerating Scrap (Consumed) | No Tier | Utility, OnStageBeginEffect | Survivors of the Void |
153 | RepeatHeal | Corpsebloom | Lunar | Healing | No DLC |
154 | ResetChests | Sonorous Whispers | Red | Utility, CannotDuplicate, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
155 | RoboBallBuddy | Empathy Cores | Boss | Utility, CannotCopy | No DLC |
156 | ScrapGreen | Item Scrap, Green | Green | WorldUnique, Scrap | No DLC |
157 | ScrapGreenSuppressed | Strange Scrap, Green | No Tier | WorldUnique, Scrap | Survivors of the Void |
158 | ScrapRed | Item Scrap, Red | Red | WorldUnique, Scrap | No DLC |
159 | ScrapRedSuppressed | Strange Scrap, Red | No Tier | WorldUnique, Scrap | Survivors of the Void |
160 | ScrapWhite | Item Scrap, White | White | WorldUnique, Scrap | No DLC |
161 | ScrapWhiteSuppressed | Strange Scrap, White | No Tier | WorldUnique, Scrap | Survivors of the Void |
162 | ScrapYellow | Item Scrap, Yellow | Boss | WorldUnique, Scrap | No DLC |
163 | SecondarySkillMagazine | Backup Magazine | White | Utility | No DLC |
164 | Seed | Leeching Seed | Green | Healing | No DLC |
165 | ShieldOnly | Transcendence | Lunar | Utility | No DLC |
166 | ShinyPearl | Irradiant Pearl | Boss | Damage, Healing, Utility, WorldUnique | No DLC |
167 | ShockNearby | Unstable Tesla Coil | Red | Damage, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
168 | SiphonOnLowHealth | Mired Urn | Boss | Healing, BrotherBlacklist | No DLC |
169 | SkullCounter | Skull Token | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC |
170 | SlowOnHit | Chronobauble | Green | Utility | No DLC |
171 | SlowOnHitVoid | Tentabauble | Void Green | Utility | Survivors of the Void |
172 | SprintArmor | Rose Buckler | Green | Utility, SprintRelated | No DLC |
173 | SprintBonus | Energy Drink | White | Utility, SprintRelated | No DLC |
174 | SprintOutOfCombat | Red Whip | Green | Utility | No DLC |
175 | SprintWisp | Little Disciple | Boss | Damage, SprintRelated | No DLC |
176 | Squid | Squid Polyp | Green | Damage, AIBlacklist, InteractableRelated | No DLC |
177 | StickyBomb | Sticky Bomb | White | Damage | No DLC |
178 | StrengthenBurn | Ignition Tank | Green | Damage | Survivors of the Void |
179 | StunAndPierce | Electric Boomerang | Red | Damage, HalcyoniteShrine | Seekers of the Storm |
180 | StunChanceOnHit | Stun Grenade | White | Utility, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
181 | Syringe | Soldier's Syringe | White | Damage | No DLC |
182 | TPHealingNova | Lepton Daisy | Green | Healing, AIBlacklist, CannotCopy, HoldoutZoneRelated | No DLC |
183 | Talisman | Soulbound Catalyst | Red | Utility, OnKillEffect, EquipmentRelated | No DLC |
184 | TeamSizeDamageBonus | No Tier | Damage | No DLC | |
185 | TeleportOnLowHealth | Unstable Transmitter | Green | Utility, HalcyoniteShrine, LowHealth | Seekers of the Storm |
186 | TeleportOnLowHealthConsumed | No Tier | No Tag | Seekers of the Storm | |
187 | TeleportWhenOob | No Tier | No Tag | No DLC | |
188 | TempestOnKill | ITEM_TEMPESTONKILL_NAME | No Tier | Utility, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
189 | Thorns | Razorwire | Green | Damage, AIBlacklist | No DLC |
190 | TitanGoldDuringTP | Halcyon Seed | Boss | Utility, WorldUnique, CannotSteal, CannotCopy, HoldoutZoneRelated | No DLC |
191 | TonicAffliction | Tonic Affliction | No Tier | Cleansable | No DLC |
192 | Tooth | Monster Tooth | White | Healing, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
193 | TreasureCache | Rusted Key | White | Utility, AIBlacklist, OnStageBeginEffect | No DLC |
194 | TreasureCacheVoid | Encrusted Key | Void White | Utility, AIBlacklist, OnStageBeginEffect | Survivors of the Void |
195 | TriggerEnemyDebuffs | Noxious Thorn | Green | HalcyoniteShrine, Utility, AIBlacklist | Seekers of the Storm |
196 | UseAmbientLevel | No Tier | CannotSteal, CannotCopy | No DLC | |
197 | UtilitySkillMagazine | Hardlight Afterburner | Red | Utility | No DLC |
198 | VoidMegaCrabItem | Newly Hatched Zoea | Void Boss | Utility, CannotCopy | Survivors of the Void |
199 | VoidmanPassiveItem | No Tier | No Tag | Survivors of the Void | |
200 | WarCryOnCombat | ITEM_WARCRYONCOMBAT_NAME | No Tier | Damage | No DLC |
201 | WarCryOnMultiKill | Berzerker's Pauldron | Green | Damage, OnKillEffect | No DLC |
202 | WardOnLevel | Warbanner | White | Utility, AIBlacklist, CannotCopy | No DLC |
Index | Code Name | Real Name | Tier | DLC |
0 | BFG | Preon Accumulator | Normal | No DLC |
1 | Blackhole | Primordial Cube | Normal | No DLC |
2 | BossHunter | Trophy Hunter's Tricorn | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
3 | BossHunterConsumed | Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed) | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
4 | BurnNearby | Helfire Tincture | Lunar | No DLC |
5 | Cleanse | Blast Shower | Normal | No DLC |
6 | CommandMissile | Disposable Missile Launcher | Normal | No DLC |
7 | CrippleWard | Effigy of Grief | Lunar | No DLC |
8 | CritOnUse | Ocular HUD | Normal | No DLC |
9 | DeathProjectile | Forgive Me Please | Normal | No DLC |
10 | DroneBackup | The Back-up | Normal | No DLC |
11 | EliteAurelioniteEquipment | Aurelionite's Blessing | Normal | Seekers of the Storm |
12 | EliteBeadEquipment | His Spiteful Boon | Normal | Seekers of the Storm |
13 | EliteEarthEquipment | His Reassurance | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
14 | EliteFireEquipment | Ifrit's Distinction | Normal | No DLC |
15 | EliteGoldEquipment | Coven of Gold | Normal | No DLC |
16 | EliteHauntedEquipment | Spectral Circlet | Normal | No DLC |
17 | EliteIceEquipment | Her Biting Embrace | Normal | No DLC |
18 | EliteLightningEquipment | Silence Between Two Strikes | Normal | No DLC |
19 | EliteLunarEquipment | Shared Design | Lunar | No DLC |
20 | ElitePoisonEquipment | N'kuhana's Retort | Normal | No DLC |
21 | EliteSecretSpeedEquipment | Beyond the Limits | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
22 | EliteVoidEquipment | EQUIPMENT_AFFIXVOID_NAME | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
23 | EliteYellowEquipment | Normal | No DLC | |
24 | Enigma | EQUIPMENT_ENIGMA_NAME | Normal | No DLC |
25 | FireBallDash | Volcanic Egg | Normal | No DLC |
26 | Fruit | Foreign Fruit | Normal | No DLC |
27 | GainArmor | Jade Elephant | Normal | No DLC |
28 | Gateway | Eccentric Vase | Normal | No DLC |
29 | GhostGun | Reaper's Remorse | Normal | No DLC |
30 | GoldGat | The Crowdfunder | Normal | No DLC |
31 | GummyClone | Goobo Jr. | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
32 | HealAndRevive | Seed of Life | Normal | Seekers of the Storm |
33 | HealAndReviveConsumed | Seed of Life (Consumed) | Normal | Seekers of the Storm |
34 | IrradiatingLaser | Overloading Excavator | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
35 | Jetpack | Milky Chrysalis | Normal | No DLC |
36 | LifestealOnHit | Super Massive Leech | Normal | No DLC |
37 | Lightning | Royal Capacitor | Normal | No DLC |
38 | LunarPortalOnUse | Elegy of Extinction | Lunar | Survivors of the Void |
39 | LunarPotion | EQUIPMENT_LUNARPOTION_NAME | Normal | No DLC |
40 | Meteor | Glowing Meteorite | Lunar | No DLC |
41 | Molotov | Molotov (6-Pack) | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
42 | MultiShopCard | Executive Card | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
43 | OrbOnUse | EQUIPMENT_ORBONUSE_NAME | Normal | Survivors of the Void |
44 | OrbitalLaser | EQUIPMENT_ORBITALLASER_NAME | Normal | No DLC |
45 | PassiveHealing | Gnarled Woodsprite | Normal | No DLC |
46 | QuestVolatileBattery | Fuel Array | Normal | No DLC |
47 | Recycle | Recycler | Normal | No DLC |
48 | Saw | Sawmerang | Normal | No DLC |
49 | Scanner | Radar Scanner | Normal | No DLC |
50 | SoulCorruptor | EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_NAME | Normal | No DLC |
51 | SoulJar | Jar of Souls | Normal | No DLC |
52 | TeamWarCry | Gorag's Opus | Normal | No DLC |
53 | Tonic | Spinel Tonic | Lunar | No DLC |
54 | VendingMachine | Remote Caffeinator | Normal | Survivors of the Void |