Mortar & Pestle - regfunkid/reg-more-foods GitHub Wiki

The Mortar & Pestle is an item that is used to crush or mash up various foods for recipes. It was added in Version 1.2.


Mortar & Pestle
mortar and pestle
Rarity Color: Common
Unbreakable: Yes
Stackable: No



Ingredients Recipe
3x Stone, 1x Stick mortar and pestle recipe


To use the Mortar & Pestle, hold it in your offhand, and put the item you wish to grind up in your mainhand. Then, hold crouch.

After a short delay, it will be grinded and converted into a new item, and a grinding sound effect will be played. The Mortar & Pestle takes no durability damage from this action. Due to the way the item functions, only one item can be ground up at a time. However, this process can be sped up using the Set Grinding Speed setting in the config book.

[!NOTE] The Set Grinding Speed setting in the config book has 3 values, and each value is written as "in ticks", meaning the grinding process will take that many ticks to run. For example, selecting [10] for the setting will mean the Mortar & Pestle will take 10 ticks (1/2 a second) to grind 1 item.

The resulting ground up items can then be placed into the Shaker Cup via the same process. The mashed items by themselves do not serve any other purpose, and cannot be eaten. A list of all grindable items and their recipes can be found on the Grindable Items page.


Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
wake up and grind icon [Wake Up and Grind](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#wake-up-and-grind) Obtain a Mortar & Pestle Extra Dietary Options -- rmf:wake_up_grinding


Icon Name Item ID
mortar and pestle icon Mortar & Pestle mortar_and_pestle


Version Changes
v1.2 - Added Mortar & Pestle