Apple Juice - regfunkid/reg-more-foods GitHub Wiki

Apple Juice is a drink that can be consumed for a small amount of nutrition and saturation. It was added in Version 1.0-alpha.


Apple Juice
apple juice
Rarity Color: Common
Nutrition: 5 (2.5 🍗)
Saturation: 1.2
Stackable: Yes (16)



Ingredients Recipe
2x Apples, 1x Sugar, 1x Glass Bottle apple juice recipe


Drinking Apple Juice restores 5 Hunger Points (2.5 🍗) and 1.2 saturation.

It also grants a level 1 Absorption status effect for 1 minutes and 60 seconds.


Icon Advancement Name In-Game Description Parent Actual Requirements Resource Location
a balanced breakfast icon [A Balanced Breakfast](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#a-balanced-breakfast) Between 6AM-11AM, consume: a [Bowl of Cereal]], any bottled drink, and either a [[Croissant]], Apple, any [[Fried Egg]], or [[Banana]]](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/[[Lil'-Sundial|Advancements#lil-sundial) Using a Clock to tell the exact time of day, consume the foods listed in the advancement description at the time specified. rmf:a_balanced_breakfast
drinkoholic icon [Drinkoholic](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#drinkoholic) Drink every beverage that has been added by Reg's More Foods. You aren't still thirsty, are you? [Extra Dietary Options](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#extra-dietary-options) Consume every single drink added by Reg's More Foods.The only exception is Enchanted Golden Apple Juice, which is not required for this advancement. rmf:drinkoholic
the gourmand icon [The Gourmand](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#the-gourmand) Eat every consumable item added by Reg's More Foods, and probably still be hungry somehow [Reg's More Foods](/regfunkid/reg-more-foods/wiki/Advancements#regs-more-foods) Consume all food and drink items added by the Reg's More Foods rmf:the_gourmand


Icon Name Item ID
apple juice icon Apple Juice apple_juice


Version Changes
[v1.0-alpha]( - Added Apple Juice
v1.1 - Renamed Apple Juice to "Bottle of Apple Juice"- Tweaked the Apple Juice recipe to be shaped instead of shapeless