Page Index - pytorch/pytorch GitHub Wiki
114 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the PyTorch developer's wiki!
- Community
- Contributing
- User docs
- Onboarding
- Developer docs
- Notes
- Named Tensors
- Quantization
- JIT/TorchScript
- Distributed
- C++
- Benchmarks
- DataLoader
- Workflow docs
- [WIP] What is a SEV
- A quick guide on how to add and cache dependencies on PyTorch CI
- Archive
- Autograd and Fork
- Autograd Basics
- Autograd Onboarding Lab
- Best Practices to Edit and Compile PyTorch Source Code On Windows
- Bot commands
- Boxing and Unboxing in the PyTorch Operator Library
- Breaking Changes from Variable and Tensor merge
- Build PyTorch
- Build PyTorch and LibTorch on Windows ARM64
- clang format
- Code review values
- Codegen and Structured Kernels
- Contact Pytorch Dev Infra Office
- Continuous Integration
- Core Frontend Onboarding
- Cpp API Quick Walkthrough
- Create a Pull Request
- CUDA basics
- Data Basics
- DataPipes Testing Requirements
- Debugging CI Failures without SSH Access
- Debugging PyTorch Build
- Debugging using with ssh for Github Actions
- Debugging Windows with Remote Desktop or CDB (CLI windbg) on CircleCI
- Dev Infra Office Hours
- Developer Environment Prerequisites
- Developer FAQ
- Development Tips
- Dispatcher Structured Kernels Lab
- Docker image build on CircleCI
- Docstring Guidelines
- Finding Or Reporting Issues
- Fork Clone and Checkout
- function transforms (aka torch.func, functorch)
- Getting help as a contributor
- Guide for adding type annotations to PyTorch
- How to integrate with PyTorch OSS benchmark database
- How to propose feature changes to PyTorch
- How to support
in PyTorch operators - How to use TensorIterator
- Install Dependencies
- Introducing Quantized Tensor
- Life of a Tensor
- Lint as you type
- lintrunner
- Maintainer notes for pytorchbot merge this please (Archived)
- Memory format propagation rules
- Modular components for benchmarking PyTorch snippets. (Experimental)
- Module Onboarding Lab
- MPS Backend
- Multiprocessing Technical Notes
- nn Basics
- Operators with Channels Last support
- OpInfos FAQ
- Overview of the Pull Request Lifecycle
- Pre Commit Checks
- Public API definition and documentation
- Pull Request FAQs
- Pull request review etiquette
- PyTorch AutoLabel Bot
- PyTorch Basics
- PyTorch CI Metrics Dashboards: the HUD
- PyTorch Data Flow and Interface Diagram
- PyTorch dispatcher walkthrough
- PyTorch IR
- PyTorch ONNX exporter
- PyTorch ONNX Exporter Code Reviews and Duty Rotation
- PyTorch ONNX Topics
- PyTorch Ops to oneDNN Functions Mapping
- Pytorch Training Loops
- PyTorch Versions
- PyTorch Workflow Cheatsheet
- PyTorch's Python Frontend Backward and Forward Compatibility Policy
- Running and writing tests
- Sharing design documents for discussion
- Software Architecture for c10
- Tensor and Operator Basics
- Tensor API changes for Caffe2 developers
- TH to ATen porting guide
- The PyTorch Contribution Process
- The torch.fft module in PyTorch 1.7
- The Ultimate Guide to PyTorch Contributions
- torch.nn Module Documentation Style Guide
- torch.onnx Namespacing
- torch_quantization_design_proposal
- Troubleshooting
- Typical Pull Request Workflow
- Using
- vmap Basics
- vmap Onboarding Lab
- What is considered a SEV?
- Where or how should I add documentation
- Writing memory format aware operators
- Writing Python in cpp (a manifesto)
- Writing tests in PyTorch 1.8