Remove Warp Fadescreen - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

Remove Warp Fadescreen

credits to ghoulslash

There might come a day where you want to fade the screen to black in a script and play a fanfare, print a message, or do something else, and immediately warp. If you try this in vanilla emerald, the screen will fade FROM black, and then back TO black. Instead, let's create a flag that removes the fadescreen part of the warp script commands and we can do something like this:

Before:                                             After:

1. Define a flag

Add or replace a flag with FLAG_REMOVE_WARP_FADE in include/constants/flags.h

2. Give the flag a purpose

  1. Find WarpFadeOutScreen in field_screen_effect.c and replace the entire function with:
void WarpFadeOutScreen(void)
    u8 currentMapType = GetCurrentMapType();
    if (!FlagGet(FLAG_REMOVE_WARP_FADE)) // fadescreen if flag not set
        switch (GetMapPairFadeToType(currentMapType, GetDestinationWarpMapHeader()->mapType))
        case 0:
            FadeScreen(FADE_TO_BLACK, 0);
        case 1:
            FadeScreen(FADE_TO_WHITE, 0);
        FlagClear(FLAG_REMOVE_WARP_FADE);  // reset flag internally

3. Use in a script! Here is the example in the GIF:

	msgbox sText_1, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE
	fadescreen FADE_TO_BLACK
	msgbox sText_2, MSGBOX_AUTOCLOSE
	warp MAP_RUSTBORO_CITY, 0, 0, 0

The flag is cleared internally, so need to worry about that after warping!