Omnidirectional Jump - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

Omnidirectional Jump

credits to ghoulslash

This tutorial teaches you how to create a tile behavior that lets you jump over it from any direction

Step 1 - create the behavior

Open include/constants/metatile_behaviors.h. Replace an unused behavior with: e.g.:

-#define MB_UNUSED_1D 0x1D

Step 1 - make the behavior do something

Open src/event_object_movement.c, and find GetLedgeJumpDirection and replace the entire function with the following:

u8 GetLedgeJumpDirection(s16 x, s16 y, u8 z)
    static bool8 (*const sLedgeJumpBehaviors[])(u8) = {

    u8 behavior;
    u8 direction = z;

    if (direction == 0)
        return 0;
    else if (direction > 4)
        direction -= 4;

    behavior = MapGridGetMetatileBehaviorAt(x, y);

    if (sLedgeJumpBehaviors[direction](behavior) || MetatileBehavior_IsOmnidirectionalJump(behavior))
        return direction + 1;

    return DIR_NONE;

Step 3 - make the function recognize the behavior

Open src/metatile_behavior.c. Add the following at the end of the file

bool8 MetatileBehavior_IsOmnidirectionalJump(u8 metatileBehavior)
    if (metatileBehavior == MB_OMNIDIRECTIONAL_JUMP)
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

Then, open include/metatile_behavior.h and add the following somewhere:

+bool8 MetatileBehavior_IsOmnidirectionalJump(u8 metatileBehavior);

Step 4 - Assign your behavior

Give one of your tiles the behavior MB_OMNIDIRECTIONAL_JUMP in porymap, and jump for joy!