Instead of Asking to Stop learning a New Move, You'll be Asked to Continue Learning - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

By devolov

Goal: It's annoying that when you press B when you don't want to learn a move, it asks you if you want to stop learning and if you press B again, it'll loop through asking again. This change will instead ask if you'd like to continue learning, so the move won't be learned if B is pressed or if No is chosen.
I wrote a tutorial to make B cancel learning while leaving the rest of the logic the same, but this hack seems more logical.

Change the strings' text:

-------------------------------- src/strings.c --------------------------------
index a81d3e4d1..0baf55ac6 100644
@@ -419,9 +419,9 @@ const u8 gText_MailTransferredFromMailbox[] = _("MAIL was transferred from\nthe
 const u8 gText_BagFullCouldNotRemoveItem[] = _("The BAG is full. The POKéMON's\nitem could not be removed.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
 const u8 gText_PkmnLearnedMove3[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} learned\n{STR_VAR_2}!");
 const u8 gText_PkmnCantLearnMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} and {STR_VAR_2}\nare not compatible.\p{STR_VAR_2} can't be\nlearned.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
 const u8 gText_PkmnNeedsToReplaceMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} wants to learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.\pHowever, {STR_VAR_1} already\nknows four moves.\pShould a move be deleted and\nreplaced with {STR_VAR_2}?");
-const u8 gText_StopLearningMove2[] = _("Stop trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?");
+const u8 gText_StopLearningMove2[] = _("Continue trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?");
 const u8 gText_MoveNotLearned[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} did not learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
 const u8 gText_WhichMoveToForget[] = _("Which move should be forgotten?{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
 const u8 gText_12PoofForgotMove[] = _("1, {PAUSE 15}2, and{PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE SE_BALL_BOUNCE_1}Poof!\p{STR_VAR_1} forgot how to\nuse {STR_VAR_2}.\pAnd…{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
 const u8 gText_PkmnAlreadyKnows[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} already knows\n{STR_VAR_2}.{PAUSE_UNTIL_PRESS}");
@@ -1776,9 +1776,9 @@ const u8 gText_TrainerHill4F[] = _("4F");
 const u8 gText_TeachWhichMoveToPkmn[] = _("Teach which move to {STR_VAR_1}?");
 const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerTeachMoveConfirm[] = _("Teach {STR_VAR_2}?");
 const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPkmnLearnedMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} learned\n{STR_VAR_2}!");
 const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPkmnTryingToLearnMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} is trying to learn\n{STR_VAR_2}.\pBut {STR_VAR_1} can't learn more\nthan four moves.\pDelete an older move to make\nroom for {STR_VAR_2}?");
-const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerStopTryingToTeachMove[] = _("Stop trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?");
+const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerStopTryingToTeachMove[] = _("Continue trying to teach\n{STR_VAR_2}?");
 const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerAndPoof[] = _("{PAUSE 32}1, {PAUSE 15}2, and {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}… {PAUSE 15}{PLAY_SE SE_BALL_BOUNCE_1}Poof!\p");
 const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerPkmnForgotMoveAndLearnedNew[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} forgot {STR_VAR_3}.\pAnd…\p{STR_VAR_1} learned {STR_VAR_2}.");
 const u8 gText_MoveRelearnedPkmnDidNotLearnMove[] = _("{STR_VAR_1} did not learn the\nmove {STR_VAR_2}."); // Unused
-const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerGiveUp[] = _("Give up trying to teach a new\nmove to {STR_VAR_1}?");
+const u8 gText_MoveRelearnerGiveUp[] = _("Continue trying to teach a new\nmove to {STR_VAR_1}?");
----------------------------- src/battle_message.c -----------------------------
index 49945f251..b059e5642 100644
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ static const u8 sText_PkmnLearnedMove[] = _("{B_BUFF1} learned\n{B_BUFF2}!{WAIT_
 static const u8 sText_TryToLearnMove1[] = _("{B_BUFF1} is trying to\nlearn {B_BUFF2}.\p");
 static const u8 sText_TryToLearnMove2[] = _("But, {B_BUFF1} can't learn\nmore than four moves.\p");
 static const u8 sText_TryToLearnMove3[] = _("Delete a move to make\nroom for {B_BUFF2}?");
 static const u8 sText_PkmnForgotMove[] = _("{B_BUFF1} forgot\n{B_BUFF2}.\p");
-static const u8 sText_StopLearningMove[] = _("{PAUSE 32}Stop learning\n{B_BUFF2}?");
+static const u8 sText_StopLearningMove[] = _("{PAUSE 32}Continue learning\n{B_BUFF2}?");
 static const u8 sText_DidNotLearnMove[] = _("{B_BUFF1} did not learn\n{B_BUFF2}.\p");
 static const u8 sText_UseNextPkmn[] = _("Use next POKéMON?");
 static const u8 sText_AttackMissed[] = _("{B_ATK_NAME_WITH_PREFIX}'s\nattack missed!");
 static const u8 sText_PkmnProtectedItself[] = _("{B_DEF_NAME_WITH_PREFIX}\nprotected itself!");

Change the logic when learning a move in battle after leveling up:

------------------------- src/battle_script_commands.c -------------------------
index be49bd10e..adda994e0 100644
@@ -5498,9 +5498,9 @@ static void Cmd_yesnoboxstoplearningmove(void)
         if (JOY_NEW(A_BUTTON))
-            if (gBattleCommunication[1] != 0)
+            if (gBattleCommunication[1] == 0)
                 gBattlescriptCurrInstr = T1_READ_PTR(gBattlescriptCurrInstr + 1);
                 gBattlescriptCurrInstr += 5;
@@ -5508,9 +5508,9 @@ static void Cmd_yesnoboxstoplearningmove(void)
         else if (JOY_NEW(B_BUTTON))
-            gBattlescriptCurrInstr = T1_READ_PTR(gBattlescriptCurrInstr + 1);
+            gBattlescriptCurrInstr += 5;
             HandleBattleWindow(0x18, 0x8, 0x1D, 0xD, WINDOW_CLEAR);

Change logic for learning new move in party menu (such as using TMs or levelling up with Rare Candy):

------------------------------- src/party_menu.c -------------------------------
index c61b129ac..63b1f0fb5 100644
@@ -4883,8 +4883,17 @@ static void Task_HandleStopLearningMoveYesNoInput(u8 taskId)
     switch (Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose())
     case 0:
+        GetMonNickname(mon, gStringVar1);
+        StringCopy(gStringVar2, gMoveNames[gPartyMenu.data1]);
+        DisplayLearnMoveMessage(gText_PkmnNeedsToReplaceMove);
+        gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ReplaceMoveYesNo;
+        break;
+    case MENU_B_PRESSED:
+        PlaySE(SE_SELECT);
+        // fallthrough
+    case 1:
         GetMonNickname(mon, gStringVar1);
         StringCopy(gStringVar2, gMoveNames[gPartyMenu.data1]);
         StringExpandPlaceholders(gStringVar4, gText_MoveNotLearned);
         DisplayPartyMenuMessage(gStringVar4, TRUE);
@@ -4898,17 +4907,8 @@ static void Task_HandleStopLearningMoveYesNoInput(u8 taskId)
                 gSpecialVar_Result = FALSE;
             gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ClosePartyMenuAfterText;
-    case MENU_B_PRESSED:
-        PlaySE(SE_SELECT);
-        // fallthrough
-    case 1:
-        GetMonNickname(mon, gStringVar1);
-        StringCopy(gStringVar2, gMoveNames[gPartyMenu.data1]);
-        DisplayLearnMoveMessage(gText_PkmnNeedsToReplaceMove);
-        gTasks[taskId].func = Task_ReplaceMoveYesNo;
-        break;
 static void Task_TryLearningNextMoveAfterText(u8 taskId)

Change logic for Move Relearner:

----------------------------- src/move_relearner.c -----------------------------
index 3007aece0..cdd55c94c 100644
@@ -547,14 +554,14 @@ static void DoMoveRelearnerMain(void)
             s8 selection = Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose();
-            if (selection == 0)
+            if (selection == MENU_B_PRESSED || selection == 1)
                 gSpecialVar_0x8004 = FALSE;
                 sMoveRelearnerStruct->state = MENU_STATE_FADE_AND_RETURN;
-            else if (selection == MENU_B_PRESSED || selection == 1)
+            else if (selection == 0)
                 if (sMoveRelearnerMenuSate.showContestInfo == FALSE)
                     sMoveRelearnerStruct->state = MENU_STATE_SETUP_BATTLE_MODE;
@@ -608,12 +608,8 @@ static void DoMoveRelearnerMain(void)
             s8 var = Menu_ProcessInputNoWrapClearOnChoose();
             if (var == 0)
-            {
-                sMoveRelearnerStruct->state = MENU_STATE_CHOOSE_SETUP_STATE;
-            }
-            else if (var == MENU_B_PRESSED || var == 1)
                 // What's the point? It gets set to MENU_STATE_PRINT_TRYING_TO_LEARN_PROMPT, anyway.
                 if (sMoveRelearnerMenuSate.showContestInfo == FALSE)
@@ -624,8 +620,13 @@ static void DoMoveRelearnerMain(void)
                     sMoveRelearnerStruct->state = MENU_STATE_SETUP_CONTEST_MODE;
                 sMoveRelearnerStruct->state = MENU_STATE_PRINT_TRYING_TO_LEARN_PROMPT;
+            else if (var == MENU_B_PRESSED || var == 1)
+            {
+                sMoveRelearnerStruct->state = MENU_STATE_CHOOSE_SETUP_STATE;
+            }
         if (!MoveRelearnerRunTextPrinters())

Change logic at evolution scene where a move is learned right after evolving (including during trades):

---------------------------- src/evolution_scene.c ----------------------------
index f15869c20..e344f9542 100644
@@ -1018,10 +1018,10 @@ static void Task_EvolutionScene(u8 taskId)
         case MVSTATE_ASK_CANCEL:
             BattleStringExpandPlaceholdersToDisplayedString(gBattleStringsTable[STRINGID_STOPLEARNINGMOVE - BATTLESTRINGS_ID_ADDER]);
             BattlePutTextOnWindow(gDisplayedStringBattle, 0);
-            gTasks[taskId].tLearnMoveYesState = MVSTATE_CANCEL;
-            gTasks[taskId].tLearnMoveNoState = MVSTATE_INTRO_MSG_1;
+            gTasks[taskId].tLearnMoveYesState = MVSTATE_INTRO_MSG_1;
+            gTasks[taskId].tLearnMoveNoState = MVSTATE_CANCEL;
             gTasks[taskId].tLearnMoveState = MVSTATE_PRINT_YES_NO;
         case MVSTATE_CANCEL:
             BattleStringExpandPlaceholdersToDisplayedString(gBattleStringsTable[STRINGID_DIDNOTLEARNMOVE - BATTLESTRINGS_ID_ADDER]);