Get Rid of Pokemon Disobeying You - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

By devolov

Goal: Make it so Pokemon always obey you, whether legal or caught by another OT.

------------------------------ src/battle_util.c ------------------------------
index 74fd745ef..7a0ebda61 100644
@@ -3900,118 +3900,6 @@ static bool32 IsMonEventLegal(u8 battlerId)
 u8 IsMonDisobedient(void)
+    return 0;
-    s32 rnd;
-    s32 calc;
-    u8 obedienceLevel = 0;
-        return 0;
-    if (GetBattlerSide(gBattlerAttacker) == B_SIDE_OPPONENT)
-        return 0;
-    if (IsMonEventLegal(gBattlerAttacker)) // only false if illegal Mew or Deoxys
-    {
-        if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_INGAME_PARTNER && GetBattlerPosition(gBattlerAttacker) == 2)
-            return 0;
-        if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_FRONTIER)
-            return 0;
-        if (gBattleTypeFlags & BATTLE_TYPE_RECORDED)
-            return 0;
-        if (!IsOtherTrainer(gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].otId, gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].otName))
-            return 0;
-        if (FlagGet(FLAG_BADGE08_GET))
-            return 0;
-        obedienceLevel = 10;
-        if (FlagGet(FLAG_BADGE02_GET))
-            obedienceLevel = 30;
-        if (FlagGet(FLAG_BADGE04_GET))
-            obedienceLevel = 50;
-        if (FlagGet(FLAG_BADGE06_GET))
-            obedienceLevel = 70;
-    }
-    if (gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].level <= obedienceLevel)
-        return 0;
-    rnd = (Random() & 255);
-    calc = (gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].level + obedienceLevel) * rnd >> 8;
-    if (calc < obedienceLevel)
-        return 0;
-    // is not obedient
-    if (gCurrentMove == MOVE_RAGE)
-        gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].status2 &= ~STATUS2_RAGE;
-    if (gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].status1 & STATUS1_SLEEP && (gCurrentMove == MOVE_SNORE || gCurrentMove == MOVE_SLEEP_TALK))
-    {
-        gBattlescriptCurrInstr = BattleScript_IgnoresWhileAsleep;
-        return 1;
-    }
-    rnd = (Random() & 255);
-    calc = (gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].level + obedienceLevel) * rnd >> 8;
-    if (calc < obedienceLevel)
-    {
-        calc = CheckMoveLimitations(gBattlerAttacker, gBitTable[gCurrMovePos], MOVE_LIMITATIONS_ALL);
-        if (calc == 0xF) // all moves cannot be used
-        {
-            // Randomly select, then print a disobedient string
-            gBattleCommunication[MULTISTRING_CHOOSER] = Random() & (NUM_LOAF_STRINGS - 1);
-            gBattlescriptCurrInstr = BattleScript_MoveUsedLoafingAround;
-            return 1;
-        }
-        else // use a random move
-        {
-            do
-            {
-                gCurrMovePos = gChosenMovePos = Random() & (MAX_MON_MOVES - 1);
-            } while (gBitTable[gCurrMovePos] & calc);
-            gCalledMove = gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].moves[gCurrMovePos];
-            gBattlescriptCurrInstr = BattleScript_IgnoresAndUsesRandomMove;
-            gBattlerTarget = GetMoveTarget(gCalledMove, NO_TARGET_OVERRIDE);
-            gHitMarker |= HITMARKER_DISOBEDIENT_MOVE;
-            return 2;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        obedienceLevel = gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].level - obedienceLevel;
-        calc = (Random() & 255);
-        if (calc < obedienceLevel && !(gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].status1 & STATUS1_ANY) && gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].ability != ABILITY_VITAL_SPIRIT && gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker].ability != ABILITY_INSOMNIA)
-        {
-            // try putting asleep
-            int i;
-            for (i = 0; i < gBattlersCount; i++)
-            {
-                if (gBattleMons[i].status2 & STATUS2_UPROAR)
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (i == gBattlersCount)
-            {
-                gBattlescriptCurrInstr = BattleScript_IgnoresAndFallsAsleep;
-                return 1;
-            }
-        }
-        calc -= obedienceLevel;
-        if (calc < obedienceLevel)
-        {
-            gBattleMoveDamage = CalculateBaseDamage(&gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker], &gBattleMons[gBattlerAttacker], MOVE_POUND, 0, 40, 0, gBattlerAttacker, gBattlerAttacker);
-            gBattlerTarget = gBattlerAttacker;
-            gBattlescriptCurrInstr = BattleScript_IgnoresAndHitsItself;
-            gHitMarker |= HITMARKER_UNABLE_TO_USE_MOVE;
-            return 2;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // Randomly select, then print a disobedient string
-            gBattleCommunication[MULTISTRING_CHOOSER] = Random() & (NUM_LOAF_STRINGS - 1);
-            gBattlescriptCurrInstr = BattleScript_MoveUsedLoafingAround;
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }