Faster HP Drain - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

Faster HP Drain

To make HP draining faster, especially with Pokémon like Blissey, we can use the maximum HP value in a fraction formula instead of a set value.

Note: Effects won't occur unless a Pokemon has 48 HP or higher for Max HP. For mons lower than 48 HP, the speed is just 1

In src/battle_interface.c , around Line 2220

    if (whichBar == HEALTH_BAR) // health bar
        currentBarValue = CalcNewBarValue(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue,
-                    B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS / 8, 1);
+                    B_HEALTHBAR_PIXELS / 8, max(gBattleSpritesDataPtr->battleBars[battlerId].maxValue / x, 1));

With [x] being whatever value you want

Now let's define what this does

This takes the specified battler's Max HP, and uses that to divide by a specific value. To have it most like vanilla, x can be 48, though we can go faster.

The smaller the x value, the faster it'll go. The larger the Max HP, the faster it'll go!

Here's what I personally use, a value of 32 for x We can see the results for the tanky beast like a post lvl 50 Mewtwo

Experiment for the right speed you want, and enjoy!