Change initial PC items - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

When the player starts a new adventure, the game gives the player one potion in their PC to start with. In this tutorial, we'll learn where and how to edit the PC items.

Edit the PC items

Open src/player_pc.c. You will find the following lines:

static const struct ItemSlot sNewGamePCItems[] =
    { ITEM_POTION, 1 },
    { ITEM_NONE, 0 }

In here you can add all items you want the player to have when they start a new game. For example, if we would want to start with both one pokeball and one potion, the code would be:

static const struct ItemSlot sNewGamePCItems[] =
    { ITEM_POTION, 1 },
    { ITEM_POKE_BALL, 1},
    { ITEM_NONE, 0 }

Which would look like:

If we would want to start with 5 pokeballs instead, we can modify the number of the second value inside the brackets. For example:

static const struct ItemSlot sNewGamePCItems[] =
    { ITEM_POTION, 1 },
    { ITEM_POKE_BALL, 5},
    { ITEM_NONE, 0 }

Which will turn out as:

The { ITEM_POTION, 1 }, can be removed to have no item in the PC at all.