Home - pret/pokeemerald GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the pokeemerald wiki!



  • How the Game Works: A series of articles explaining some of the ins-and-outs of the Generation 3 game engine.
  • Tutorials: Lots of how-to guides for making custom games: change the RSE content, port features from newer generations, and overcome some limitations of the pokeemerald engine.
  • Useful Modding Tools: Descriptions and links to tools useful for editing some parts of pokeemerald and creating custom content.
  • Feature Branches: A list of branches dedicated to one or more individual features, useful either as a starting point for hacks or to combine with existing projects to add more features.
  • Tips and Tricks: A lot of cool tips and tricks brought to you by the community.
  • Shared Asset Repository: Repository of free to use assets that have been found / made by the community, run out of the Team Aqua's Hideout Discord server.