Miniproject: Genes and Genotypes - petermr/CEVOpen GitHub Wiki
genes and genotypes
list of emitted chemicals
Use this template to collect data in the print/hack and continue afterwards. Include it your wikipage. You can "steal" design ideas from other miniprojects. At the end miniprojects should have a common structure but try to use your own words. Good scientists use simple words if possible. .
Owners and collaborators
explain the purpose of your miniproject This should be "1-page" at a level that your classmates can understand. The world will also be looking at this. You can add hyperlinks if necessary.
things you have done
what have you managed so far? Have these things been completed?
things you are going to do.
Try to arrange in priority order.
list of things blocking you.
list of resources you use
(e.g. EPMC, getpapers, ami, KNIME). Use links where possible