Window - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Window

Home * Search * Alpha-Beta * Window

[ Arched Window of wall painting showing Dalí [1] A Window in the context of Alpha-Beta search (Alpha-Beta window) is the open interval between the lower bound Alpha and the upper bound Beta.

**(α,β) = ]α,β[ = { x ∈ ℤ | α < x < β}**

Only values inside this interval, that is excluding Alpha and Beta, are exact scores. Thus, with integers at least a window of (x-1, x+1) is necessary to reveal one exact score x. A Null Window as used in the Scout part of PVS aka NegaScout, and MTD(f), with integers (α, α+1) or (β-1, β), can therefor only provide a bound, either failing-high with a lower bound or failing-low with an upper bound.

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  1. ↑ Arched Window of a wall painting showing Salvador Dalí, Lima, Peru, 2005 by Tabea Huth, Wikimedia Commons
  2. Re: New(?) search idea by Robert Hyatt, CCC, January 22, 1998
  3. Re. Fail low after fail high by Marcel van Kervinck, CCC, April 05, 2015 » Fail-Low , Fail-High

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