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title: Trajectory

Home * Chess * Trajectory

Shortest and admissible trajectories [1] Trajectory, a move path of a chess piece, a pawn, a king, a knight or a sliding piece from its origin square to a target square for attack or defense purposes, admissible in n plies, according to a plan. A trajectory of a sliding piece consists of so called alpha-squares, move target squares where the piece is not actually en prise, and empty beta-squares where the piece slides over, and which may be blocked as a defense.

Linguistic Geometry

Based on the research along with Botvinnik on the project Pioneer, Boris Stilman further formalized the mathematical projection as Linguistic Geometry with the Language of Trajectories, Languages of Trajectory Networks including the Language of Zones, and Languages of Searches including its sub-family, the Languages of Transitions [3].

See also


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  1. ↑ from Boris Stilman (1994). A Linguistic Geometry of the Chess Model. Advances in Computer Chess 7, pdf draft, Figure 3
  2. The last day of the “Botvinnik Memorial” by Anna Burtasova, ChessBase News, September 07, 2011
  3. Boris Stilman (1994). A Linguistic Geometry of the Chess Model. Advances in Computer Chess 7, pdf draft
  4. Paul Rushton, Tony Marsland (1973). Current Chess Programs: A Summary of their Potential and Limitations. INFOR Journal of the Canadian Information Processing Society Vol. 11, No. 1, pdf
  5. Computers, Chess and Long-range Planning by Botvinnik by John L. Jerz
  6. Fovea centralis from Wikipedia
  7. Coq from Wikipedia

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