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title: John L. Jerz

Home * People * John L. Jerz

John L. Jerz,

an American electrical engineer and programmer. He holds a BS in electrical engineering (1988), a M.Sc. in EE (1995), and a M.Sc. in systems engineering (2000), all degrees from Virginia Tech [1]. John L. Jerz maintains a web site which contains a collection of information relating to chess, computers, problem solving, artificial intelligence and other subjects [2].

Selected Publications

External Links

Does Rybka Properly Count Positions Evaluated? [4] The chess program Rybka as a Rational Agent


  1. About Me
  2. Welcome to my web site by John L. Jerz
  3. ↑ John L. Jerz (2008, 2013). A Proposed Heuristic for a Computer Chess Program. pdf
  4. What Strelka tells about Rybka's nodecount and depth by Ernest Bonnem, CCC, July 09, 2007

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