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title: Material Hash Table

Home * Evaluation * Material * Material Hash Table

A Material Hash Table is used to cache once calculated material values for certain material constellations, considering not only the dot-product of the piece values, but material imbalance and even insufficient material. Of course, one has to take care the effort of hashing is not more expensive than the full calculation, assuming incremental update only for captures or promotions. Another pragmatical approach with todays computers and memory sizes is to use precomputed material tables.

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  1. โ†‘ David Slate, Larry Atkin (1977). CHESS 4.5 - The Northwestern University Chess Program. Chess Skill in Man and Machine (ed. Peter W. Frey), pp. 82-118. Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y. 2nd ed. 1983. ISBN 0-387-90815-3. Reprinted (1988) in Computer Chess Compendium

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