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title: Ippolit

Home * Engines * Ippolit

[ Hippolyta the Amazonian queen [1] Ippolit,

an UCI compliant open source engine by pseudonymous authors. A former CPW page of Ippolit by one of its authors from May 2009, was preliminary deleted due to a claim by Rybka author Vasik Rajlich, CPW would support piracy sites and who implied Ippolit is a clone or derivative from Rybka 3 [2] , apparently due to disassembling and decompiling.


In June 2010, Vasik Rajlich made following statement on Rybka and Ippolit, which was published by Sven Schüle in CCC [12]:

Ippolit is disassembled Rybka 3 with changes. The changes are considerable but not even close to enough to leave any doubt. Robbolito is an evolved Ippolit, with more changes and more cleanup. I haven't checked the other new engines yet. 

The same day Zach Wegner published a technical summary by former anonymous author "BB+" alias Mark Watkins about Rybka and Ippolit [13], which demonstrates differences are substantial [14], and he nevertheless concluded he would find it wholly plausible that Ippolit is a "reverse-engineered Rybka with many changes" in the same forum thread. RobboLito's sentinel [15] Milos Stanisavljevic [16] [17] is proponent of Ippolit's originality, despite his note it used ideas from reverse engineering Rybka 3 [18].



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  1. Hippolyte from Wikipedia, image from Promptuarii iconum insigniorum by Guillaume Rouillé
  2. ↑ private communication with Gerd Isenberg
  3. The Double: A Petersburg Poem a novella written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  4. Vladimir Lenin from Wikipedia
  5. Abdul Abulbul Amir from Wikipedia
  6. IPPOLIT from Wikipedia
  7. Decembrist revolt from Wikipedia
  8. ChessLogik - RobboLito hosted by Norman Schmidt has a list of RobboLito comrades and Decembrists
  9. ChessLogik - RobboLito hosted by Norman Schmidt has a list of RobboLito comrades and Decembrists
  10. New engine: Ippolit by Vladimir Medvedev, CCC, October 18, 2009
  11. ↑ [Official statement on Deleted?] by Vasik Rajlich, Rybka Forum, October 21, 2009
  12. My recent correspondence with Vasik Rajlich by Sven Schüle, CCC, June 13, 2010
  13. A comparison of Rybka and IPPOLIT (pdf)
  14. BB's Rybka/Ippolit comparison by Zach Wegner, OpenChess Forum, June 13, 2010
  15. ChessLogik - RobboLito hosted by Norman Schmidt
  16. Firebird programmers no longer anonymous? by oudheusa, Rybka Forum, February 07, 2010
  17. Re: Is Houdini 2 Legally Copyrighted? by Jeremy Bernstein, OpenChess Forum, December 10, 2011
  18. Re: WCCC 2011 - Junior is the 2011 World Champion by Milos Stanisavljevic, CCC, November 25, 2011

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