Vladimir_Medvedev - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: Vladimir Medvedev

Home * People * Vladimir Medvedev

Vladimir R. Medvedev,

a Russian games and chess programmer, and author of the chess program GreKo, first released on April 01, 2002 [1]. However, Vladimir already started some chess programming in 2000 [2], with the aim to write a standalone chess program with an own GUI using MFC, but implemented an Othello applet in Java first [3]. On one of his download sites, Vladimir does not only provide GreKo, but also a Kaissa PC port in Turbo C from 1992, and a listing of the ITEP Chess Program for the M-20 computer [4] [5]. Vladimir further published machine learning related articles on determining point values by logistic regression [6] and Texel's Tuning Method as applied to GreKo [7] in the popular Russian IT portal Habrahabr.

Forum Posts

2000 ...

2010 ...

External Links

WinPooh/pgnlearn · GitHub


  1. GreKo chess engine by Vladimir R. Medvedev, rgcc, April 01, 2002
  2. hashing function by Vladimir R. Medvedev, rgcc, October 17, 2000
  3. Re: GreKo 12.0 2002-2014 12 years development, Congrats! by Vladimir Medvedev, CCC, April 03, 2014
  4. GreKo - Download
  5. M-20 Computer from Russian Virtual Computer Museum
  6. Определяем веса шахматных фигур регрессионным анализом / Хабрахабр by Vladimir Medvedev, Habrahabr, April 27, 2015( Russian) » Point Value by Regression Analysis
  7. Самообучение шахматной программы / Хабрахабр by Vladimir Medvedev, Habrahabr, July 21, 2016 (Russian) » Texel's Tuning Method
  8. New site for GreKo by Vladimir Medvedev, Winboard Forum, January 14, 2015

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