HpChess - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: HpChess

Home * Engines * HpChess

HpChess GUI [1] HpChess,

Franck Zibi's first chess program written in HP Saturn assembly [2] for the HP 48 series of Graphing calculators with its 131×64 pixel LCD, released in 1995. With 50 to 100 nodes per second, HpChess is a slow program and therefore uses static exchange evaluators with pin detection rather than quiescence search [3] .

See also

Forum Posts

Re: Chess for HP48GX by Franck Zibi, comp.sys.hp48, October 31, 1995

External Links


  1. HpChess 1.0 for HP48GX
  2. Gilbert Fernandes, Eric Rechlin (2005). Introduction to Saturn Assembly Language. Third edition, Part of the HP Calculator Archive
  3. Pharaon - Some Background

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