CSVN_Programmers_Tournament - peregrineshahin/ChessProgrammingWiki GitHub Wiki

title: CSVN Programmers Tournament

Home * Tournaments * CSVN Programmers Tournament

The CSVN Programmers Tournament supersedes the Dutch Open Computer Chess Championship and the International CSVN Tournament since autumn 2013. The Theo van der Storm Cup is always connected with the programmer tournament in the spring [1] .


| Edition | Event | Year | Origin | Participants | CSVN site | Champion | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 45th | PT 45 | 2013 | Leiden, The Netherlands | 12 | PT 45 | Jonny | | 46th | PT 46 | 2014 | Leiden | 8 | PT 46 | The Baron | | 47th | PT 47 | 2014 | Leiden | 12 | PT 47 | Jonny | | 48th | PT 48 | 2015 | Leiden | 9 | PT 48 | The Baron | | 49th | PT 49 | 2015 | Leiden | 12 | PT 49 | Jonny | | 50th | PT 50 | 2016 | Leiden | 9 | PT 50 | Shredder | | 51st | PT 51 | 2017 | Leiden | 8 | PT 51 | HIARCS | | 52nd | PT 52 | 2017 | Leiden | 10 | PT 52 | The Baron | | 53rd | PT 53 | 2018 | Leiden | 10 | PT 53 | HIARCS | | 54th | PT 54 | 2018 | Leiden | 12 | PT 54 | Deus X | | 55th | PT 55 | 2019 | Amersfoort | 8 | PT 55 | Komodo | | 56th | PT 56 | 2019 | Gouda | 8 | PT 56 | RofChade | | 57th | PT 57 | 2021 | Gouda | 8 | - |  ? |

See also

Forum Posts


  1. Jan Krabbenbos (2014). The Theo van der Storm Cup. ICGA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2

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