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Nomes Nord 𓈠 𓈡 𓈢 𓈣 𓈤 𓈦 𓈧 𓈨 𓈩 𓈪 𓈫 𓈬 𓈭 𓈮 𓈯 𓈰 𓈱 𓈳 𓈴 𓈵
Nomes Süd 𓈶 𓈷 𓈸 𓈹 𓈺 𓈻 𓈼 𓈽 𓈾 𓈿 𓉁 𓉃 𓉄 𓉅 𓉆 𓉇 𓉈 𓉉 𓉋 𓉌 𓉍 𓉎

𓈖𓅓𓋴 Nemes - striped head-dress crown of pharaohs @ nomes

nomes of Lower Egypt

NL1 𓈠 first, 𓊅 𓌉 White Walls, capital 𓏠𓈖𓄤𓆑𓂋𓉴𓊖 Memphis, God Ptah NL2 𓈡 second, ≠ 𓍜 capital 𓐍𓋉𓅓𓊖 Khem, God Horus
NL3 𓈢 third, 𓆄 𓅃 feather-horus, God Hathor <> 󳲆 󳲇 󳲈 󳲉 󳲊 󳲋 nome X ? NL4 𓈣 fourth, 󴝜 𓇔 Nit Resu "southern-net/shield", Isis @ south 𓇔 𓈣 󴞮 󴞯 󴞰 󴝕 󴝖 󴝗 󴝘 󴝙 󴝚 󴝛 Goddess Isis NL5 𓈤 fifth 󴝜 𓇇 󴝝 󴝞 󴝟 𓈤/𓈥, capital 𓊃𓅭𓄿𓅱𓊖 Sau/ Zau (Sais), Goddess Neith 𓋌𓋋 @ north 𓇇 𓈤 𓎕 𓏏 NL6 𓈥 sixth ^^ variant, numbering shifted by 1 from here on NL7 𓈦 seventh, nome SIX, Khaset, capitals Khasu ⲥϦⲱⲟⲩ 𓆼𓋴𓅱𓅱𓏏𓊖 #ḫꜣswwt (Xois) Ξόης Ξόις سخا Sakha •ksont Bouto 𓃒 NL8 𓈧 eighth, 𓈧 󴏑󴞁󴞂󴞃󴞄󴞅󴞆󴞀󴝿𓋀 capital 𓂧 𓏇𓇌𓊖𓏌𓅃𓏤 ᵈHermopolis Parva, Metelis NL8b𓈨 𓈨 󴏑𓋁 𓉐𓏤𓏏𓍃𓅓𓏏𓊖 Tell al-Maskhuta, God Atum @ ἀνατολή NL9 𓈩 ninth, 󳙢󳌟󳌠 ‘Andjeti andro 𓉐𓏤𓊨𓁹𓎟𓊽𓂧𓅱𓊖 Djed/ Djedu [Iti] Busiris, Abu Sir Bara, God Osiris NL10 𓈪 tenth, 𓃒𓆎 Ka-khem capital 𓉗𓏏𓉐𓇾𓁷𓄣𓊖 Hut-hery-ib (Athribis), God Horus NL11 𓈫 eleventh 𓃒 𓐎 Ka-heseb, Goddess Isis
NL12 𓈬 twelfth 𓃜 𓃒 Theb-ka <> capital 𓊹 𓍿 𓃀𓊖 Tjebnutjer (Sebennytos) <> 𓏏 𓊪 𓇋 𓅱 𓃒, God Anhur NL13 𓈭 thirteenth Ḥeka-Redj Heq-At, Igert, Igertet, Iqert, Iugertet (Heliopolis) Cairo, God Ra NL14 𓈮 fourteenth Khenti-Iabti 𓈮 (Khent-abt) Tjaru/ Dj‘anet (Sile, Tanis) Tell Abu Sefa Eastmost/Southeast NL15 𓈯 fifteenth Djeḥuti 𓈯 (Tehut) Thoth NL16 𓈰 sixteenth Ḥat Meḥit 𓈰 (Kha) Djedet/ Ā'atjaba (Mendes) Tell El Rubˁ Hatmehyt NL17 𓈱 seventeenth Beḥedet 𓈱/𓈲 Sma-Beḥut (Sema-Beḥut) Semabehdet (Diospolis Inferior) Tel Balamun Amun-Ra NL18 𓈲 eighteenth
NL19 𓈳 nineteenth 󳊕 Am-Khent <> Kind capital Per-Bastet (Bubastis) <> puer, Bube, Goddess Bastet NL19b 𓈴 Im-Peḥ (Am-Peḥu) NL20 𓈵 twentieth 󳳅𓏚/ 𓅌𓏚 Sep-d (Sopdu)

nomes of Upper Egypt

NU1 𓈶 first Ta-Seti, capital 𓍋𓃀𓃰𓅱 𓎶 𓈊 Elephantine, modern Aswan (< Al'phan), God Khnum NU2 𓈷 second Wetjes-Ḥer, capital 𓌥𓃀𓊖 Djeba (Apollonopolis Magna), modern Edfu NU3 𓈸 third Nekhen (Hierakonpolis) El Kab "Shrine", Goddess Nekhbet •Nekhen-Ba'at 𓇑 𓃀 𓏌 𓏏 <> 𓈖𓏏𓂋𓏯𓅐 ⲛⲟϣⲉⲣ NU4 𓈹 fourth Waset, modern Thebes Karnak, God Amun-Ra NU5 𓈺 fifth Netjerui, 𓅃 𓅃 Herui 𓎤𓃀𓅂𓊖 Gebtu (Coptos) Qift, God Min NU6 𓈻 sixth Meseḥ/ Mes-ḥ 𓈻 (Iqer), modern Tentyra/Dendera, Goddess Hathor NU7 𓈼 seventh Bat 𓈼 (Seshesh) Sistrum, Goddess Hathor NU8 𓈽 eighth Ta-wer Thinis, God Anhur NU9 𓈾 ninth Menu/ Minu Khen-Min, perhaps another name for "Khemenu" Ārty-Ḥeru (Panopolis) Akhmim God Min NU10 𓈿 tenth 𓈿𓉀 (Wadjet) Djew-qa / Tjebu (Antaeopolis) ,Qaw El Kebir Cobra, Hathor NU11 𓉀 eleventh ^^ NU12 𓉁 twelfth Sha 𓉁/𓉂 Set Shashotep (Hypselis) Shutb Set God Khnum/Khnemu NU13 𓉂 thirteenth ^^ NU14 𓉃 fourteenth Dju-fet 𓉃 (Tu-ph) Pr'nmty (Theracon,Hieracon κώμη) al Atawla "Viper mountain" Horus NUXa 𓉄 Nedjefet Khentet 󳽷 𓏆 𓉄 (Atef-Khent) Zawty (z3wj-tj, Lycopolis) Asyut Apuat NUXb 𓉅 Nedjefet Peḥtet 󳽷𓄖𓏏 𓉅 (Atef-Peḥu) Qesy (Cusae) El Qusiya Hathor NU15 𓉆 fifteenth Wenet/ Uenet/ Unit 𓉆 (Wenet) Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna) El Ashmounein Hare, God Thoth NU16 𓉇 sixteenth Ma-Ḥedj 𓉇 (Ma-hedj) Herwer? Hur? Oryx[9] Horus NU17 𓉈 seventeenth Input 𓉈 Inpu (Anpu) Saka (Cynopolis) El Qais Anubis ! NU18 𓉉 eighteenth Nemti 𓉉/𓉊 (Sep) Teudjoi / Hutnesut (Alabastronopolis) El Hiba Set Anubis NU18A 𓉊 eighteenth ^^ NU19 𓉋 nineteenth Wabwi 𓉋 (Uab) Per-Medjed/ Per-Mādjet/ Uabu-t (Oxyrhynchus) El Bahnasa Two Sceptres Set NU20 𓉌 twentieth N‘aret Khentet 𓉌 (Atef-Khent) Henen-nesut (Herakleopolis Magna) Ihnasiya Heryshaf NU21 𓉍 twenty-first N‘aret Peḥtet 𓉍 (Atef-Peḥu) Shenakhen Ium'ā (Crocodilopolis, Arsinoe) Faiyum Khnemu NU22 𓉎 twenty-second Mednit/ Medenit 𓉎/𓉏 (Maten) 𓁶𓏤𓃒𓏪𓊖 Tepihu (Aphroditopolis) Atfih Knife Hathor NU22A 𓉏 twenty-second ^^

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