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The name Nile (Νεῖλος) is surely related to readings of 𓈖 n…
𓈖 नाला nālā नाडी nāḍī ravine
𓈖 نهر nahr nāru 𐎐𐎅𐎗 nhr נהרא ܢܲܗܪܵܐ nahrā נהר nahar 𒀀𒇉 nārum “river”

Other names:
𓎛 𓂋 𓊪 𓈙 𓀭 #Harpis nile 𒀀𒇉 𒄿𒀀𒊒𒀪𒌋 ya-ru-huᵖ-u Nile 𓎛 𓐑 𓊪 𓅭 | Hapy, the Nile | #ḥp “Apis” Apion 𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | Hapy, the Nile | 𒄩𒀀𒁉𒅖 /ḫāpis/ river (Luwian) PIE *h₂ep: āp “water” अप् áp “water”
𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | Hapy, the Nile | 𔓳𔓷𔕷𔐞 hapat river (Luwian) 𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | Hapy, the Nile | 𐎠𐎱𐎡𐎹𐎠 apiyā 𒄩𒉺𒀀 ḫa-pa-a, “towards the water/river”
𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | Hapy, the Nile | 𒄷𒁓 Hubur "watercourse" vs Euphrates 𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | Hapy, the Nile | ethnonym Harabian > العربية Arabian 𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | Hapy, the Nile | «Therapy» 𒀀𒇉 𒅀𒊒𒀪𒌋 ID-ya-ru-huᵖ-u 𓎛 𓊪 𓐑 𓇋 𓇋 | (divinity) Hapy (one of the four sons of Horus) | 𓎛 𓊪 𓅱 𓐑 𓃒 | Apis Bull

𒀀𒇉 𒄿𒀀𒊒𒀪𒌋 ÍD ya-ru-huᵖ-u „Nile” <<<< Νεῖλο < nar.ruʾeau 𒀪

If biblical Pishon is identical to the Nile and there exists a phonetic connection to 𓎛 𓊪 𓈘 / 𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓈗 there are two explanations:

  1. 𓎛 𓊪 𓈘 has to be read in reverse, as was the case with King names: 𓈘 𓊪 𓎛 Piḫoⁿ ⋍ Pichon ⋍ Pishon
  2. 𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 has to be analyzed with regional prefixes and suffixes:
    a. Ha being a semitic article, as also used in Hiddekel •HaDicle < Tigriˢ ☑
    b1. The unexplained 'shon' in may be a combination of endings 𓏮 𓈘 -s -on similar IE noun markers
    b2. The unexplained 'shon' in Pishon may be a phonetic component 𓈘 ⋍ 水河 shuiⁿ ⋍ 江 gong Ganges kong jiang shon
    𓈙 ⋍ 𓏯 𓈘 𓈇 ☑ !?

Pishon ⇔ one of these forms for fish :
𓃀 𓋴 𓆝 | bury | •fish ⇔ Fuß basket pisces *ɸēskos ψάρι Fischerei ⇔ *piťa (“food”), Sanskrit पितु (pitu, “food”)
𓃀 𓋴 𓆝 fish ⇔ Fuß food ὀψάριον opsárion diminutive of ὄψον ópson, “delicacy”
𓃀 𓅱 𓏏 𓆜 𓏥 Butt ⇔ 𓎛 𓃀 𓅭 𓆛 𓏥 catch (of fish and fowl)
𓃀 𓆛 𓅱 Barsch?

Pish ⇔ Fluss *plew- “to fly, flow” ⇔ fluō *bʰlewH- “to overflow” possibly *bʰleh₁- “to swell, blow”
Cognate with Ancient Greek φλέω phléō, “to abound” φλύω phlúō “to boil over”

possible secondary connections with

𓎛 𓂝 𓊪 𓏮 𓈘 | the Nile | •Harpy Hephaestus, discoverer of fire 𓍒 𓍑 𓊮 Ptah God of craftsmen and creation 𓏢 harp 󴩯 󴩰 󴩱 󴩲 󴩻 󴩼 󴩽 󴩾 󴩿 󴪀 󴪁 󴪇 𓂝 𓊪 𓂋 𓅱 𓐢 𓀀 𓏥 | sailors | Hebrew 𓐑 𓂋 𓅱 𓐢 rowers @ Nile 𓈘 | weaver | ὑφαίνω huphaínō explicit river connection! 𓎛 𓃀 𓋴 𓋳 húphasma ὕφασμα "cloth" vs Tuch @ Tigris ? 𓉗𓏏𓉐𓂓𓏤𓊪𓏏𓎛 Egypt <> hide, carpet 𓎛 𓂋 𓊪 𓈙 𓀭 #Harpis <> Herpes Therapy <> horror terror 𓎛 𓂋 𓊪 𓈙 𓀭 #Harpis <> 𓅃𓃒 HorApis vs Serapis 𓎛 𓐑 𓊪 𓅭 #ḥp 𓐑 𓊪 𓏲 𓃒 “Apis” Apion Bison @ Pishon Bos bull 𓃒 𓅭 pute poulet poule “hen” Latin pullus πῶλος (pôlos, “foal; young girl”) 𓐑 𐊾 /ND/ /ⁿd/ naut delta 𓇇 bushel Büschel bush 𓇇 𓇾 𓊖 Mizraim harvest

π Ahramat Branch = "pyramid branch" of the nile, now dried up