cord - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

cord, chord, chorda, χορδά
Doric Ancient Greek χορδά khordá, “string of gut, the string of a lyre”, Ionic χορδή khordḗ

𒆠𒂊 cord / thread

yarn garn
𓎛 hernia
𓄩 𓇋 𓌳 𓐍 𓄩 𓏤 | spinal cord | 𓐍 𓄩 𓏤 cord
𓌗 𓂋 𓎗 𓅱 𓌗 cord, hard rigid rope , bow-string
𓈎 𓄿 𓋴 𓍢 𓂡 cords: string (bow), bind (victim), tie (rope-ladder)
𓈎 𓄿 𓋴 𓅱 𓍢 𓂡 𓏥 bonds cordeln
𓂝 𓈎 𓄿 𓍢 a type of rope|a'cord
𓂝 𓈎 𓄿 𓂭 𓂭 𓍢 𓏤 a type of rope| a'cord (di 𓂭𓂭 digit)

𓋴 𓐍 𓏏 𓍢 | weave | ˢcord γέρδιος gérdios > 𒆤 KIT Kittel kutoa “weave”

𒆤 KIT ≈ κλωστήρ klōstḗr cluster of cords "skein"

შეკრავს ʃɛ kˀr ɑvs = tie

𒄣 KUM QUM GUM 𓊃 𓍿 𓎀 string, thread ⇔ cord com