Nekhen - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

π“Š• nagar vs karnakh
π“Š•π“ˆ–π“Š– Nekhen
π“„Ώ π’„©π’€€π’Šπ’€Έ ḫāras eagle ⇔ horus π“…ƒ < garabe π“…ƒ
π“„Ώ h₃érō β€œeagle, large bird” π“„Ώπ“…₯π“…£π“…€π“…ƒπ“…„π“…… Horus heron ὄρνῑς Γ³rnΔ«s β€œbird”, earn, orьlъ β€œeagle”
π“„Ώ hawk < Hierakon β²‰β²£β²Ÿβ²“β²•β²Ÿβ²›β²Ÿβ²™β²“β²› manage

Nekhen was by far the most powerful center in predynastic egypt. Shortly after the arrival of chalcolithic pioneers ⋍3900BC, Nekhen became an enormous city by 3500 BC.

The predynastic Nekhen zoo and circus must have left a lasting impression on the Egyptian culture.

  1. π“ π“ˆ– Menagerie Manege management MAN=king Min Menes Amun ⇔
    π“Š•π“ˆ–π“Š– Noah ⇔ next nexus necro noah (Nekhen zoo) ninurta Nimrod narmer?
    𔐃 Netz-Rock-Mann

With the first dynasty, the new capital becomes Abydos and Thebes back and forth