Latvian - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

The Latvian languages are renowned among linguists for preserving some features of PIE especially well.

Some forms of Egyptian also seem closer to Latvian than other languages:

𓋴 𓐍 𓏏 𓏮 𓂻||run|skriet@LAT+++ spurt/scourt/escort courant scout (courier) ⇔ Schritte𓂻

while the word beard '𓐍𓃀𓊃𓅱𓏏𓁸' contains the letters _b_𓅱d for beard, the other letters so far were inexplicable.
The situation looks much less dire in Latgalian:

𓐍 𓃀 𓊃 𓅱 𓏏 𓁸||beard|< 𓃀𓊃𓅱𓏏⋍𓐍bzvd'⋍buorzda@ Latgalian 𓊃𓅱𓏏 ⋍ साथ sāth

drink 𓋴𓅨𓂋𓇋𓀁 GER.ti
drink 𓏏𓐍𓈗 dkr/dger ⋍ GERti < Tiger/Tigris?
dgert ⇔ durst

to live: Gyventi > GENE ...
to know: ism < išmanyti < / wisdom < weise.tun / Waīstun <3 !!!

𓋳 Garment matches fine 𓋴+𓏠+𓈖+𓏏, however Latvian offers a different reading:
𓋳 suknelė : s+gmn+nil < 𓋴+𓏠+𓈖. We have yet another totally different order in a similar word
𓏠𓈖𓐍𓏏𓋳 Mönchskutte? same signs

These may be puns, dialectic readings, or just different words with the same 'root' letters.

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