𓂚 - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

𓂚 #aHa #ahAa archer arrow
𓂚 •ƒaha 𓇋 𓎛 𓄿 𓂝 fecht fight
𓂚 τόξε 𓐮 𓌕 𒀞 taḥas

𐀵𐀒𐀰𐀲 to-ko-so-ta τοξότας archer 𐀵𐀒𐀰𐀺𐀒 to-ko-so-wo-ko τοξoFόργος arch worker

no phonetic alternations for 𓂚 provided

𓌕 = 𒋾 TI 𒈧 تیر তীর tīr ⋍ 𓄝 ⋍ 𓄜 ⋍ Tier < Tiger ⋍ 𐭲𐭢𐭫 tigr = 𓌕 τόξευ
𒆪 TUŠ τόξε 𓌕𓄝 𓎁𓏏𓂡 ⇔ 𓌖𓌕𓂚 τόξον <?> 𒌆 TÚG Tuch textile ⇔ 𓄛
𓂚 Teti Hor-Aha 2nd pharao of first dynasty or menes himself?

Arrows @ Horus 𓂚 :

In sumerian similar-sounding words such as "life" and "arrow" [ti] were written with the same symbol

𓋹 @ Horus arrows:

The old Egyptian reading of this sign 𓋹 life ⋍ 𓌕 arrow was corroded over time and its exact pronounciation is ultimately lost, but can be traced back to:

𓋹 ζonkhti 𓋴𓋹𓈖𓎡
𓌕 ζenţi 𓋴𓃹𓈖𓏏𓌕𓏛
𓂚 Zank? 𓌕 ⇔ 𓋴 𓃹 𓈖 𓌕 𓅪 ⇔ 𓊃 𓈙 𓂋 𓌕

𓄟 𓋴 𓋴 𓈔 𓈖 𓂚 𓀜 | mail-shirt | Messing
𓄟 𓋴 𓋴 𓄛 𓈖 𓂚 𓀜 | mail-shirt | ⲙⲗⲁϧ ⇔ melee ⇔ mmnəɣ

D34 𓂚 Toch[arxer] 𓂚 tochair:take care 𓂛 => N27 Akher 𓈌

nᵍ conpoment

𒋾 teĝ₄ teng <> 𓋹 𓈖 𓎡 𒋼 teĝ₃ 𒋾 teĝ₄ 𓏏 𓎡 𓈖 𓂻 tĕka ᵈyakın "near, adjacent" <> 𓐮 τόξον τάξις