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𒋼 ≈ 𒄱𒁹 ≈ 𒀹𒑋𒁹 ≈ 𒊺𒁹 ≈ 𒋽 ?!

𒋼 ≈ 𒄱𒁹 ≈ 𒀹𒑋𒁹 ≈ 𒑊𒁹 UTU 𒌓

𒋼 TE teĝ₃ ≈ 𒋖 ≈ 𒋫 ≈ TA 𓃾 𓄀 tête @ 𓃒 (𒋼 •stag ≈ Stier 𒋫 )

𒋼 TE teĝ₃ "cheek" ღაწვი 𓂉

𒋼 TE teĝ₃ tag ثَقَبَ ṯaqaba τορέω "to pierce" 𓃾 𓄀 𓄏 𓄋 𒋰

𒋼 TE teĝ₃ 𒋾 TIˣ teĝ₄ 𓏏 𓎡 𓈖 𓂻 tĕka ᵈyakın "near, adjacent" <> 𓐮 τόξον τάξις

𒋼 TE 𔑰 te tête Θθ theta 𒉭 𔑯 𔑱 𔑲 in

𒋼 mul₂ mule 𒌌 mul₄ 𒌌 DU 𓃘 donkey

𒋼 #uššu ass 𔑰 𔑯 𔑱 𔑲

𒋼 mul₂tête 𒀯 multitude

𒋼 •Stier-Kopf ≈ star=kokäb 𒀯 ኮከብ 𓋴 𓃀 𓇼 𓏤

𒋼 ≈ 𓃾 𓄀 𒀭 𓇼 In Nanna-Suen Hymn 1, cows are an allusion to the stars in the night sky.

𒋼 mul₂ 𒅎 IM

𒋼 TE ≈ 𒅎 TUMU


𒋼 TE ≈ tai in 𒀉𒌓𒋼𒈪𒁀 {à tam} te-mi-ba ≈ a time 𓄿 𓏏 𓇳 𓏤

𒋼 TEN ⋍ 𒊺+𒁹 ŠE in late form 1+3 ⋍ 𒄭 𒀪 3+1 tenu𒄱 AR2

𒋼𒀀 KAR ⇔ 𒆪 KU® ⋍ 𒋼 Qú guerre
𒋼 GALLAx GALLAₓ 𒋼𒇲 GALLA "guard" “policeman” GAL5 gallû "demon; constable" 𒃸 quay?

𒋼 mul₂ foundation(s) <> mould moat ἵδρυμα hídruma

𒋼 TE teĝ₃ •tergh in 𒉆𒋼 sy•tergh страх strax страх strah sy•teʳᵒ terror fear 𒋼 TE teĝ₃ •tergh in 𒃻𒋼𒂷 (σέβας) trwoga "awe" <> 𒋫 𓃾 𓄀 taur 𒋼 •Tropf drop drip 𒋼𒅁 te-ip rain <> қатра قَطْرَة qaṭra 𒋼 •τροφή trophḗ 𒋼𒀕 𒋼𒀊 "food" 𒋼 TE/TR in tüdruk dròlla <> κόρη kórē Göre 𓈙 𓂋 𓇋 𓏏 𓅩 | girl | #šrjt 𒋼 •TR in تربة turba ضَرِيح ḍarīḥ 𓈎 𓂋 𓌟 𓊭 <> 𓐍 𓂋 𓉐 | tomb | Gruft

𒋼𒀕 TEĜ ≈ TE.URNU ≈ TE.urugal₂ 𒋼𒀕 unu₂ / TEĜ₃ •ţegk ≈ chick "girl" 𒋼𒀕 unu₂ / TEĜ₃ •ţegk ≈ cheek ≈ #usukku 𒋼𒀕 unu₂ / TEĜ₃ תַּכְשִׁיט takhshítʿ "jewelery" 𒋼𒀕 TEĜ ≈ Tisch table; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple 𒋼𒀕 TEĜ ≈ Tisch banquet; dining hall; food; meal(-time); #mākalû;#mākālu;naptanu;paššūru;mūšabu;usukku;šubtu 𒋼𒀕 TEĜ₃ Dach dwelling

Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TEĜ3 cheek (Akk. lētu)
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TE cheek (Akk. lētu)
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TEĜ3 •attach (Akk. ţehû)
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TEĜ tag : ornament, •token!
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TEN ⇔ shine, schön:
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TEN thing, ornament (Akk. simtu)
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 ⇔ TEM 𒁴
Cuneiform sign 𒋼 TEMEN 𒁴𒈨𒂗 theme ἵδρυμα hídruma foundation, Akk. temennu

𒋼 tête Θθ theta 𒉭 policeman (tatütata;)
𒋼 ⇔ 𒋼𒀀 Kar/Te شُرْطِيّ šurṭiyy @ courtee < guard < 𒊬 SAR scrit ⇔ secured
𒋼 ⇔ 𒋼𒀀 Kar/Te 𒊬 SAR /šaṭāru/ שׁוֹטֵר shotér sir scribe

𒋼 •stag: to pierce (Akk. sahālu) ⇔ [[dash]

𒋼 (teĝ) •track •attach

𒋼 •tag: to be near, approach (Akk. ţehû)

𒋼 (ten) ⋍ ting: to extinguish (Akk. belû)

𒋼 (ten) ⋍ ting 𓏏 𓇼 𓄿 𓇳 Dinger 𒀭

𓊃 𒋼 TEMEN "zementᵒⁿ" foundation

𒁴 𒈨𒂗 tem-me-en temmēnu :
te-me-en-šú; tem-me-en-šá; tem-me-en-ši; tem-me-en-šin; tem-me-en-šú; tem-me-en-šú-un.
𒋼 𒈨 𒂗 𒋙 ; 𒁴 𒈨 𒂗 𒃻 ; 𒁴 𒈨 𒂗 𒅆 ; 𒁴 𒈨 𒂗 𒊿 ; 𒁴 𒈨 𒂗 𒋙 ; 𒁴 𒈨 𒂗 𒋙 𒌦

Etemenanki (Sumerian: 𒂍𒋼𒀭𒆠 É.TEMEN.AN.KI "temple of the foundation of heaven and earth") was a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk in the ancient city of Babylon. I

𒀯 𒋼 Cuneiform MUL2 / GALLAx (GAL5) (sic) ⇔ galaxy
𒀯 𒋼 to shine, radiate (Akk. kakkabu; mulmullu; nabāṭu)

𒋼 mul ⇔ 𒅎 IM
𒋼 mul ⇔ милцо milco (police) < Marko

𒋼𒃞𒉡 te-men-nu {fun}dament
𒋼𒃞𒉡 foundation

𒋼𒉡𒌋 te-nu-u turnu replace(ment) ⇔ etonio? erstatning ≠ αντικαταστάτης
𒋼𒉡𒌋 •tzamnu заме́на zaména

𒋼 teĝ₃ •stag 𒇻𒇷𒈬 lu-li-mu 𒀉𒇻𒅆 Alulim a₂.lu.lim Ἄλωρος 𒀝𒂵𒇻 ag-ga-lu agalu 𒉿𒇻 pi-lu 'fire'