Installing Padogrid - padogrid/padogrid GitHub Wiki

◀️ PadoGrid Components 🔗 Root Workspaces Environments (RWEs) ▶️

You can install PadoGrid in three (3) different ways. Auto installation is recommended.

  1. Auto Installation: install_padogrid
  2. Manual Installation
  3. Build Installation

✏️ If you are installing PadoGrid to host multi-tenants, then please follow the instructions provided in the Multitenancy section.

1. Auto Installation: install_padogrid

You can automatically install a PadoGrid release along with data grid products by running the install_padogrid script. This script is included in PadoGrid distributions starting version 0.9.32 so that you can automatically upgrade releases. If you have installed a prior version of PadoGrid or you are installing PadoGrid for the first time, then you can download and run install_padogrid. The following example uses the curl command to download the install_padogrid script.

# Download install_script
curl -sO
# Make install_script executable
chmod 755 install_padogrid
# Run install_script

The install_padogrid command interactively downloads and installs the products you selected from its menu. If you want to install non-interactively, specify the -quiet option. This option downloads all the products and hence it may take some time to complete depending on your Internet download speed.

./install_padogrid -quiet

2. Manual Installation

If you are unable to run the install_padogrid script perhaps because your target machine is behind a firewall, then follow the steps below.

  1. Create a directory where you will be creating the PadoGrid environment. For our example, we will use the default PadoGrid directory, ~/Padogrid.
mkdir -p ~/Padogrid/downloads
  1. Download the latest PadoGrid distribution and place it in the ~/Padogrid/downloads directory.

PadoGrid Releases

  1. Untar the PadoGrid distriubtion in the ~/Padogrid/products directory.
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/padogrid_0.9.32.tar.gz
  1. Download products of your choice from the following link and place them in the ~/Padogrid/downloads directory.

Supported Data Grid Products and Downloads

  1. Untar the downloaded product distributions. The following example shows a complete list of downlaoded product distributions.
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/apache-geode-1.13.2.tgz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/hazelcast-4.2.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/hazelcast-enterprise-4.2.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/hazelcast-jet-4.5-slim.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/hazelcast-jet-enterprise-4.5.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/hazelcast-management-center-4.2021.04.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/mosquitto-2.0.15.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/pivotal-gemfire-9.10.5.tgz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/snappydata-1.2.0-bin.tar.gz
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf ~/Padogrid/downloads/spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2.tgz
unzip -d ~/Padogrid/products/ ~/Padogrid/downloads/

For Coherence, download the Quick Installer and follow the instructions in the following link.

Installing Oracle Coherence for Java

3. Build Installation

If you want to build and install PadoGrid then the installation steps are similar to the Manual Installation steps.

  1. Build PadoGrid (see Building PadoGrid). Upon successful build, the following distributions will be generated.
# The following distributions contain all the padogrid components.

# The following distributions contain all the padogrid components plus
# external applications.
  1. Create a directory where you will be creating the PadoGrid environment. For our example, we will use the default PadoGrid directory, ~/Padogrid.
mkdir -p ~/Padogrid/downloads
  1. Inflate one of the distribution files in the PadoGrid products directory.
mkdir -p ~/Padogrid/products
tar -C ~/Padogrid/products/ -xzf padogrid-deployment/target/assembly/padogrid_0.9.32.tar.gz

Follow the steps 4 and 5 described in the Manual Installation section.

◀️ PadoGrid Components 🔗 Root Workspaces Environments (RWEs) ▶️

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