Usage GIFs - overturetool/vdm-vscode GitHub Wiki
This page contains some animated GIFs that demonstrate the usage of the tool. The aspects shown are covered elsewhere in the wiki too.
- Syntax Highlighting
- Syntax- and Type-checking
- Smart Navigation
- Debugging
- Proof Obligation Generation
- Combinatiorial Testing
- Translation to LaTeX and Word
- Translation from and to UML
- Export to FMU
- Java Code Generation
- Dependency Graph Generation
- Coverage Report
- Import of Project Examples
- Import of VDM libraries
- Remote Control
- Snippets
- Real Time Log Viewer
VDM keywords are automatically highlighted.
Syntax- and type-errors and warnings are highlighted in the editor and detailed in the terminal or by hovering on the highlighted section.
Multiple actions exist for navigating to the definition of a given identifier in a specification: Ctrl + click, the right-click context menu or pressing F12 while hovering on the identifier.
A debugging session can be initiated using the standard VS Code debug interface. This launches the VDMJ interpreter enabling commands to be issued through the terminal. For a list of the available commands type help
A debugging session can be initiated using the generated widgets next to executable VDM primitives.
Proof obligation generation can be performed for a specification by accessing the editor context menu (right-clicking in the editor window). Alternatively, the explorer context menu can be used by right-clicking a VDM file in the explorer window.
Combinatorial testing can be performed for a given specification by accessing the "Combinatorial Testing" menu in the activity bar.
A specification can be translated to LaTex or Word formats by accessing the editor context menu by right-clicking in the editor.
A VDM++ or VDM-RT specification can be translated to the PlantUML format and a .puml
file can be translated to VDM++ by accessing the editor context menu by right-clicking in the editor.
A VDM-RT specification can be exported as a tool wrapper FMU.
From a specification, you can generate Java code by accessing the editor context menu by right-clicking in the editor.
A dependency graph for the specification can be generated by accessing the editor context menu by right-clicking in the editor. This will generate a Graphviz file (.dot) which can be displayed graphically elsewhere, e.g. by installing a Graphviz extension such as vscode-graphviz or graphviz-interactive-preview.
An execution coverage report can be generated by accessing the editor context menu by right-clicking in the editor.
The results from the latest coverage report or a user-defined coverage report (configurable in the settings) can be overlayed on the visible editors by a toggle in the focused editor title.
VDM-SL, VDM++, and VDM-RT project examples can be imported by accessing the explorer context menu by right-clicking in the explorer.
VDM libraries can be added to a project by accessing the context menu by right-clicking in the explorer or the editor. Libraries to choose from can be configured in the settings.
You can use the remote control option by adding a new configuration and selecting "VDM Debug: Remote Control (VDM-SL/++/RT).
You can press CTRL+space after typing the first few characters of a known VDM construct and Overture will offer its auto-completion.
a proposal.
Opening a .rtlog
file from a VDM-RT project will show a prompt asking if the log file should be viewed in the log viewer.
The log viewer shows an architecture overview, an execution overview, a number of CPU overviews (one for each deployed CPU) and a diagram legend overview.
The diagram in the execution overview and CPU overview(s) can be navigated in time by either choosing a start time or by the up and down arrows which will decrease or increase the current start time.