Time usage - ousou/Javalabra-2013 GitHub Wiki

Total time used for project: 43h

Week 1

Total time used on week 1: 11h

Week 2

Total time used on week 2: 9h 30min

Week 3

Total time used on week 3: 5h 45min

Week 4

Total time used on week 4: 13h 15min

Week 5

Week 1

Tuesday 30.07.2013


  • Registered to GitHub, created repository 15min
  • Wrote initial description of project 15min
  • Created NetBeans-project and pushed it 15min


  • Created enums Rank and Suit, and elementary tests for them 30min
  • Created class Card and some tests for its compareTo-method 15min
  • Created interface ICardDeck and a default implementation CardDeckStandard 30min
  • Created tests for CardDeckStandard 15min
  • Created class FiveCardPokerHand and tests for it 15min

Total time used this day: 2h 30min

Thursday 01.08.2013


  • Wrote tests for FiveCardPokerHandComparator 1h
  • Wrote some javadocs for FiveCardPokerHand 15min

Total time used this day: 1h 15min

Saturday 03.08.2013


  • Implemented FiveCardPokerHandComparator 3h

Total time used this day: 3h

Sunday 04.08.2013


  • Created classes for representing starting hands and community cards 30min
  • Created class Combination and tests for its methods 1h

Total time used this day: 1h 30min

Monday 05.08.2013


  • Tweaked tests for class Combination 15min
  • Implemented method takeKFromList in class Combination 45min
  • Created class PossibleHandsCreator and tests for it 1h
  • Started implementing main logic class PokerHandSimulator 45min

Total time used this day: 2h 45min

Week 2

Tuesday 06.08.2013


  • Created class diagram of the main classes in the project 45min


  • Tweaked Time usage-page 15min


  • Implemented simulateHand-method in PokerHandSimulator 30min
  • Wrote tests for PokerHandSimulator 1h

Total time used this day: 2h 15min

Wednesday 07.08.2013


  • Created enum PokerGameType 15min

Total time used this day: 15min

Thursday 08.08.2013


  • Started implementing dataholder SimulationResult 30min
  • Fixed critical error in FiveCardPokerHandComparator, and improved its tests 15min
  • Refactored PokerHandSimulator and AbstractStartingHand 30min

Total time used this day: 1h 15min

Friday 09.08.2013


  • Started writing basic tests for SimulationResult 30min
  • Implemented functionality of SimulationResult 1h15min

Total time used this day: 1h 45min

Saturday 10.08.2013


  • Finished writing tests for SimulationResult 45min
  • Finished first version of PokerHandSimulator-class 45min

Total time used this day: 1h 30min

Sunday 11.08.2013


  • Separated functionality from FiveCardPokerHandComparator into two classes 45min
  • Created class AbstractPokerHandSimulator 45min
  • Created new implementation PokerHandSimulatorVersion2 30min
  • Created multithreaded version of AbstractPokerHandSimulator 1h

Total time used this day: 3h

Monday 12.08.2013


  • Implemented and wrote tests for TextParser 1h

Total time used this day: 1h

Week 3

Tuesday 13.08.2013


  • Added support for non-community card games to AbstractPokerHandSimulator 1h

Total time used this day: 1h

Wednesday 14.08.2013


  • Completed first version of text user interface 1h 30min


  • Created new class diagrams 30min

Total time used this day: 2h

Thursday 15.08.2013


  • Made minor change to PokerHandTypeComparator 15min


  • Updated main class diagram 15min

Total time used this day: 30min

Sunday 18.08.2013


  • Edited card pictures 45min


  • Created classes CardDrawer and DrawAllCards 45min

Total time used this day: 1h 30min

Monday 19.08.2013


  • Started working on the GUI 45min

Total time used this day: 45min

Week 4

Tuesday 20.08.2013


  • Worked on GUI 1h 30min


  • Created sequence diagrams 1h 30min

Total time used this day: 3h

Wednesday 21.08.2013


  • Continued working on GUI 1h 30min

Total time used this day: 1h 30min

Thursday 22.08.2013


  • Worked on GUI 2h 30min
  • Added some messages to asserts in tests 15min

Total time used this day: 2h 45min

Friday 23.08.2013


  • Worked on GUI-class SimulationStarter 45min

Total time used this day: 45min

Sunday 25.08.2013


  • Completed first working version of GUI 2h
  • Refactored AbstractCardCollection and FiveCardPokerHand 45min

Total time used this day: 2h 45min

Monday 26.08.2013


  • Added support for settings-saving 1h
  • Minor edits to GUI 30min


  • Created Quick guide to Poker Hand Simulator 1h

Total time used this day: 2h 30min

Week 5

Tuesday 27.08.2013


  • Added more error dialogs to GUI 30min
  • Expanded settings-window 45min


  • Updated Quick guide and project description 15min
  • Wrote Project structure-page 30min

Total time used this day: 2h

Wednesday 28.08.2013


  • Wrote more javadoc for classes 45min
  • Created and uploaded html javadoc 15min

Total time used this day: 1h

Thursday 28.08.2013


  • Created Issues and Things to improve-pages to wiki 30min

Total time used this day: 30min

Total time used for project: 43h