UAV and USV Payload Configurations - osrf/mbzirc GitHub Wiki

Configuring UAV Platform Payloads

Each UAV platfrom (quadrotor and hexrotor) has eight available payload slots as follows:

  1. slot0: front
  2. slot1: rear
  3. slot2: top
  4. slot3: bottom
  5. slot4: left
  6. slot5: right
  7. slot6: bottom left
  8. slot7: bottom right

In each of these eight slots, various perceptive sensors may be installed. The available sensors are listed in the repository in the mbzirc_ign/models/sensors directory

To choose a sensor for a payload slot, pass the argument to the spawn launch file:

ros2 launch mbzirc_ign name:=quadrotor_1 world:=simple_demo model:=mbzirc_quadrotor type:=uav x:=1 y:=2 z:=0.05 R:=0 P:=0 Y:=0 \
  slot0:=mbzirc_hd_camera \
  slot1:=mbzirc_vga_camera \

To modify the orientation of the payload sensor, pass the desired mounting position in degrees (note the quotation marks)

ros2 launch mbzirc_ign name:=quadrotor_1 world:=simple_demo model:=mbzirc_quadrotor type:=uav x:=1 y:=2 z:=0.05 R:=0 P:=0 Y:=0 \
  slot0:=mbzirc_hd_camera \
  slot0_rpy:="0 -5 0" \
  slot1:=mbzirc_vga_camera \
  slot1_rpy:="0 -90 0" \
  slot3:=mbzirc_planar_lidar \
  slot3_rpy:="0 10 0"

Visualizing sensor slot locations

The base platform of each UAV model can be found in the mbzirc_ign/models directory. In each [uav_type]_base model, there is a model.sdf file containing the description of the UAV. Find and uncomment the debug_link links then re-install the workspace. Launch the simulation again to see green box visuals showing the location of the sensors:

hex_sensor_slots quad_sensor_slots

Configuring UAV Flight time

The flight time of each UAV can be figured. The flight time is simulated using a battery model that discharges linearly over time. Note that battery only starts draining after the UAV takes off, i.e. a velocity command is received.

To specify the flight time, pass a flightTime argument when spawning the UAV:

ros2 launch mbzirc_ign name:=quadrotor_1 world:=simple_demo model:=mbzirc_quadrotor type:=uav flightTime:=5

Configuring USV Platform Payloads

The USV platform four available payload slots as follows:

  1. slot0: front
  2. slot1: rear
  3. slot2: left
  4. slot3: right
  5. slot4: front left
  6. slot5: rear left
  7. slot6: front right
  8. slot7: rear right

In each of these four slots, various perceptive sensors may be installed. The available sensors are listed in the repository in the mbzirc_ign/models/sensors directory

To choose a sensor for a payload slot, pass the argument to the spawn launch file:

ros2 launch mbzirc_ign name:=usv world:=simple_demo model:=usv type:=usv x:=15 y:=0 z:=0.3 R:=0 P:=0 Y:=0 \
  slot0:=mbzirc_hd_camera \
  slot1:=mbzirc_vga_camera \

To modify the orientation of the payload sensor, pass the desired mounting position in degrees (note the quotation marks)

ros2 launch mbzirc_ign name:=quadrotor_1 world:=simple_demo model:=usv type:=usv x:=15 y:=0 z:=0.3 R:=0 P:=0 Y:=0 \
  slot0:=mbzirc_hd_camera \
  slot0_rpy:="0 -5 0" \
  slot1:=mbzirc_vga_camera \
  slot1_rpy:="0 -90 0" \
  slot3:=mbzirc_planar_lidar \
  slot3_rpy:="0 10 0"

Visualizing sensor slot locations

The base platform of the USV model can be found in the mbzirc_ign/models/mbzirc_usv_base directory. There is a model.sdf file containing the description of the USV. Find and uncomment the debug_link links then re-install the workspace. Launch the simulation again to see green box visuals showing the location of the sensors:


Configuring arm sensor payload on the USV

The arm on the USV has one sensor slot on the wrist. To configure the sensor to mount on the arm, specify using the arm_payload_slot0 argument when spawning the USV:

ros2 launch mbzirc_ign name:=usv world:=coast model:=usv x:=-1462 y:=-16.5 z:=0.3 R:=0 P:=0 Y:=0 arm:=mbzirc_oberon7_arm arm_payload_slot0:=mbzirc_hd_camera arm_payload_slot0_rpy:='0 -5 0'

Configuring Platforms via YAML

In addition to using the with command line arguments, it is possible to store vehicle configurations in YAML files. Vehicle configurations may be stored for individual USV or UAV configurations or for groups of vehicles that need to be spawned at the same time.

Configuring a UAV via YAML

The same configurations as the command line are exposed, but in YAML format. An example configuration is described below: mbzirc_ign/config/coast/quadrotor.yaml

# The name of the model once spawned
model_name: 'quadrotor_1'
# The type of model to spawn (eg quadrotor, hexrotor, usv)
model_type: 'mbzirc_quadrotor'
# Battery duration
flight_time: 20
# Starting position in xyz meters and rpy radians
  xyz: [-1500, 2, 4.3]
  rpy: [0, 0, 0]
# Enumerate payloads (slot0, slot1, etc)
    sensor: 'mbzirc_hd_camera'
    # Note that payload mounting is in degrees
    rpy: [0, 0, 0]

Configuring a USV via YAML

The same configurations as the command line are exposed, but in YAML format. An example configuration is described below: mbzirc_ign/config/coast/usv.yaml

# The name of the model once spawned
model_name: 'usv'
# The type of model to spawn (eg quadrotor, hexrotor, usv)
model_type: 'usv'
# Starting position in xyz meters and rpy radians
  xyz: [-1462, -16.5, 0.3]
  rpy: [0, 0, 0]
# Arm to mount to the vessel
arm: mbzirc_oberon7_arm
# Gripper to mount to the arm
gripper: mbzirc_oberon7_gripper
# Mounting location for the arm
arm_slot: 0
    sensor: 'mbzirc_vga_camera'
    rpy: [0, 0, 0]
    sensor: 'mbzirc_planar_lidar'
    rpy: [0, 0, 0]

An example USV config file with arm sensor payload configuration can be found in mbzirc_ign/config/single_usv_with_arm_gripper_config.yaml.

Configuring a group of vehicles via YAML

To specify multiple vehicles, make use of the YAML array syntax: mbzirc_ign/config/coast/config_team.yaml

# Example coast configuration from:
- model_name: 'usv'
  model_type: 'usv'
  ... <SNIP>

- model_name: 'quadrotor_1'
  model_type: 'mbzirc_quadrotor'
  ... <SNIP>

- model_name: 'hexrotor_1'
  model_type: 'mbzirc_hexrotor'
  ... <SNIP>

Spawning YAML configurations

To launch simulation with vehicle YAML configuration, rather than using, you can use

# Launch coast environment and spawn a USV
ros2 launch mbzirc_ros ign_args:="-v 4 -r coast.sdf"
ros2 launch mbzirc_ign world:=coast config_file:=`ros2 pkg prefix mbzirc_ign`/share/mbzirc_ign/config/coast/usv.yaml

We also provide a file that takes care of launching the simulation and spawning the vehicles at the same time:

# Launch coast environment and spawning a Team
ros2 launch mbzirc_ign world:=coast config_file:=`ros2 pkg prefix mbzirc_ign`/share/mbzirc_ign/config/coast/config_team.yaml
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