Troubleshooting - osrf/mbzirc GitHub Wiki

  1. When installing from source, there are errors with missing dependencies.

    • A: Run the rosdep step (see again to make sure all libraries are installed, especially when a new version is released.
  2. I see these red error messages printed in the console when launching simulation or spawning a robot:

    [ign gazebo-1] Error:   Could not find the 'robot' element in the xml file
    [ign gazebo-1]          at line 80 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-galactic-urdfdom-2.3.5/urdf_parser/src/model.cpp
    [ign gazebo-1] Error [] Unable to call parseURDF on robot model
    [ign gazebo-1] Error [] parse as old deprecated model file failed.
    [ign gazebo-1] [GUI] [Err] [Model.hh:73] Unable to unserialize sdf::Model    
    • A: These are safe to ignore as they do not affect mbzirc simulation. Details are captured in this issue.
  3. My simulator loads outdated 3D models of vessels / items / environment objects.

    • A: The simulator keeps a cache of 3d assets and model description downloaded from Fuel on local disk. Try clearing your Fuel cache to force the simulator to download new versions of the MBZIRC 3D models:

      rm -r ~/.ignition/fuel/
  4. I get different vehicle behavior or see different camera sensor data from what's described in the tutorials.

    • A: If you are building from source, make sure you you are using the latest release branch, v[N], where N is the release version. Check that the Ignition libraries and ros_ign package is up-to-date if building from source. Try clearing your Fuel cache (see above). You can also compare the behavior with the one from the latest released Docker image. If problem persists, please ticket an issue using the issue tracker.
  5. The system does not shutdown properly and there are some processes running after shutdown / crash.

    • A: This is a known issue. Please make sure all processes are killed / terminated before launching another simulation run. Here are some example commands to forcefully kill any leftover processes. Note: run them only if you know what these commands do:

      # kill proceses launched by the simulator
      killall -9 parameter_bridge pose_tf_broadcaster optical_frame_publisher video_target_relay fixed_wing_bridge usv_bridge
      pkill -9 -f 'ign gazebo'
      # others if needed
      killall -9 ros2
      pkill -9 -f 'image_transport'