Judge Case - osmlab/name-suggestion-index GitHub Wiki

Not all canonical chains in the world can be accurately divided into specific categories such as brand/operator. Ambiguity always exists. Therefore, we often need community discussion and the judgment of the maintainer to determine what it should belong to in NSI.

The following is a list of some classic cases to help contributors and new maintainers judge.


At least 30 locations globally are recommended before including an entity in NSI.

The nsi_collector project has a lower threshold of 50 entries in planet.som (global presence in OSM data) to include a name in its data. See collect_osm.js#L33-L39 (how this data is used is unclear, it seems to have been an early method to populate NSI as it seems to not be updated regularly any more).

This threshold may be lower in some situations such as in a OSM data shortage region, but at least 10 elements (Currently or will have in the future).

See also discussion in #9052.

Specific Key & Value

Brand or Operator

Restaurant or Cafe


Is an amenity a restaurant or fast_food

  • amenity=restaurant for a place where a host seats you and a waiter takes your order (aka "table service")
  • amenity=fast_food for a place where you order food from a counter (includes "fast casual" style)

See comment to #4987 and OSM wiki for sustenance amenities, restaurant amenities & fast_food amenities.

Attitude about adding vegetarian and vegan key:

Can we add website or phone?

No, see

Can we add wikipedia?

:warning:  April 2022 Update The use of *:wikipedia tag has been discontinued (issue #6481)

Currently No, see

Can we add payment?

Yes, but must "stick to a minimalistic set of tags".

See https://github.com/osmlab/name-suggestion-index/pull/6703

Also there are some situation which don't need payment: #4696 #4105 #4976 #6701

How many cuisine/clothes should I add?

Only those cuisine that representative to this restaurant, you don't need to copy the menu, NSI isn't a food delivery website.

What about amenity related tag such as WLAN/wheelchair?

I don't know

What about tags that require an on ground survey?

Like outdoor_seating or smoking? See comments to #7269.


Current which language should be used in entry can see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multilingual_names, but this isn't mandatory, as it may vary from case to case.

Should I use local branch's or global brand wikidata entry if both exists?

Local branch is OK if it has more correct data associated. See PR #7812 for addition of local McDonalds wikidata.