Oms API POST run the model - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki

Start new model run.

This is a beta version and may change in the future.


POST /api/run

For example:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:4040/api/run -d @run_modelOne.json

JSON request body: Request body is JSON of following Go structure

  ModelName   string            // model name to run
  ModelDigest string            // model digest to run
  RunStamp    string            // run stamp, if empty then auto-generated as timestamp
  Dir         string            // working directory to run the model, if relative then must be relative to oms root directory
  Opts        map[string]string // model run options, e.g.: -OpenM.SubValues 16
  Env         map[string]string // environment variables to set
  Threads     int               // number of modelling threads
  IsMpi       bool              // if true then it use MPI to run the model
  Mpi         struct {
    Np          int    // if non-zero then number of MPI processes
    IsNotOnRoot bool   // if true then do no run modelling threads on MPI root process
    IsNotByJob  bool   // if true then do not allocate resources by job, use CPU, threads and memory as is
  Template  string     // template file name to make run model command line
  Tables    []string   // if not empty then output tables or table groups to retain, by default retain all tables
  Microdata struct {
    IsToDb     bool       // if true then store entity microdata in database: -Microdata.ToDb true
    IsInternal bool       // if true then allow to use internal attributes: -Microdata.UseInternal true
    Entity     []struct { // list of entities and attributes: -Microdata.Person age,income -Microdata.Other All
      Name  string        // entity name
      Attr []string       // list of microdata attributes, it is also can be All
  RunNotes []struct {
    LangCode string   // model language code
    Note     string   // run notes

Template is a name of template file inside of etc sub-directory to make model run command line. Template file is required only if you want to run the model on MPI cluster, when Mpi.Np > 0. If template file name not specified then by default it is: etc/mpiModelRun.template.txt.

JSON response example:

  "ModelName":      "modelOne",
  "ModelDigest":    "_201208171604590148_",
  "RunStamp":       "2019_01_29_21_02_14_452",
  "SubmitStamp":    "2019_01_29_21_02_14_448",
  "IsFinal":        false,
  "UpdateDateTime": "2019-01-29 21:02:14.452",
  "RunName":        "",
  "TaskRunName":    ""

IsFinal: if true then model run failed to start.

RunStamp: model run stamp, use it to GET model run status and log or to PUT stop model run.

Model console output redirected to log file: models/log/modelName.RunStamp.console.log, for example: modelOne.2019_01_29_21_02_14_452.console.log.

Example 1:

Run modelOne.exe with 2 sub-values (sub-value is similar to Modgen "sub-sample"):

  "ModelName": "modelOne",
  "Opts": {
    "OpenM.SubValues": "2"

Important: Opts values must be a "quoted string". In above JSON number of sub-values is "2" and not 2.

curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:4040/api/run -d @run_modelOne.json

*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 4040 (#0)
> POST /api/run HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4040
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 68
* upload completely sent off: 68 out of 68 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Location: /api/model/_201208171604590148_/run/2019_01_29_21_02_14_452
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 02:02:14 GMT
< Content-Length: 188
  "ModelName":      "modelOne",
  "ModelDigest":    "_201208171604590148_",
  "RunStamp":       "2019_01_29_21_02_14_452",
  "SubmitStamp":    "2019_01_29_21_02_14_448",
  "IsFinal":        false,
  "UpdateDateTime": "2019-01-29 21:02:14.452",
  "RunName":        "",
  "TaskRunName":    ""
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Oms web-service execute following command:

./modelOne -OpenM.RunStamp 2019_01_29_21_02_14_452 -OpenM.LogToConsole true -OpenM.SubValues 2

As result modelOne executable started on server with 2 sub-values. Model console output redirected to log file modelOne.2019_01_29_21_02_14_452.console.log:

2019-01-29 21:02:14.469 modelOne
2019-01-29 21:02:14.486 Run: 138
2019-01-29 21:02:14.486 Reading Parameters
2019-01-29 21:02:14.487 Running Simulation
2019-01-29 21:02:14.487 Writing Output Tables
2019-01-29 21:02:14.567 Running Simulation
2019-01-29 21:02:14.567 Writing Output Tables
2019-01-29 21:02:14.622 Done.

Example 2:

Run RiskPaths model in models/work directory:

  "ModelName": "RiskPaths",
  "Dir": "models/work",
  "Opts": {
    "OpenM.Database": "Database=../bin/RiskPaths.sqlite;OpenMode=ReadWrite;Timeout=86400;"
  "RunNotes": [{
      "LangCode": "EN",
      "Note": "Model run notes.\n----------------\n\nThis is model run notes in English"
    }, {
      "LangCode": "FR",
      "Note": "(FR) Model run notes.\n---------------------\n\nJe suis désolé je ne parle pas français"

Oms web-service execute following commands:

cd models/work
../bin/RiskPaths \
  -OpenM.RunStamp 2019_01_29_21_32_41_179 \
  -OpenM.LogToConsole true \
  -OpenM.Database Database=../bin/RiskPaths.sqlite;OpenMode=ReadWrite;Timeout=86400; \ \

Example 3:

Run RiskPaths_mpi model executable on two nodes of small MPI cluster, 4 threads on each node, to calculate 16 sub-values:

  "ModelName": "RiskPaths",
  "Opts": {
    "OpenM.SubValues": "16"
  "Threads": 4,
  "Mpi": {
    "Np": 2
  "Template": "mpiSmallCluster.template.txt"

Oms web-service execute following commands:

mpirun -n 2 -wdir models/bin ./RiskPaths_mpi -OpenM.RunStamp 2019_01_29_21_32_10_577 -OpenM.LogToConsole true -OpenM.Threads 4 -OpenM.SubValues 16

Because Mpi.Np = 2 model is executed on MPI cluster. If we do not specify template file name mpiSmallCluster.template.txt then by default etc/mpiModelRun.template.txt will be used.

Example 4:

Run OzProj model, which may required OM_OzProj environment variable:

  "ModelName": "OzProj",
  "RunStamp": "My-uniqueStamp-of-OzProj-run",
  "Env": {
    "OM_OzProj": "../../OzProj"
  "Opts": {
    "OpenM.ProgressPercent": "25"

Oms web-service execute following commands:

OM_OzProj=../../OzProj ./OzProj -OpenM.RunStamp My-uniqueStamp-of-OzProj-run -OpenM.LogToConsole true -OpenM.ProgressPercent 25

Because RunStamp explicitly specified model console output log file name is: OzProj.My-uniqueStamp-of-OzProj-run.console.log. It is strongly recommended to use unique run stamps for each model run (modeling task run, if you running modeling task).

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