Oms API GET current model run state - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki
Get status of model run and view model console output.
This method allow get current model run and model stdout and stderr. It can be used to monitor modeling progress or it can be invoke later to see final model run status and console output.
This is a beta version and may change in the future.
GET /api/run/log/model/:model/stamp/:stamp
GET /api/run/log/model/:model/stamp/:stamp/start/:start/count/:count
Call examples:
Arguments as URL parameters:
:model - (required) model digest or model name
Model can be identified by digest or by model name. It is recommended to use digest because it is uniquely identifies model. It is possible to use model name, which is more human readable than digest, but if there are multiple models with same name in database than result is undefined.
:stamp - (required) model run stamp or run submission stamp or modeling task run stamp
Model run identified by submission stamp or by run stamp. Submission stamp is automatically generated by server as timestamp string, e.g.: 2016_08_17_21_07_55_111. Run stamp can be either explicitly specified as part of request to run the model call or automatically generated as timestamp string. By default oms service store in memory history of 1000 most recent model runs (it can be configured).
:start - (optional) start "page" line number from log output, zero-based.
:count - (optional) "page" size, number of log text lines to view, if count <= 0 then all lines selected.
"ModelName": "modelOne",
"ModelDigest": "_201208171604590148_",
"RunStamp": "2019_01_29_20_03_58_681",
"SubmitStamp": "2019_01_29_20_03_58_677",
"IsFinal": true,
"UpdateDateTime": "2019-01-29 20:03:58.818",
"RunName": "",
"TaskRunName": "",
"Offset": 0,
"Size": 6,
"TotalSize": 6,
"Lines": [
"2019-01-29 20:03:58.694 modelOne",
"2019-01-29 20:03:58.712 Run: 135",
"2019-01-29 20:03:58.712 Reading Parameters",
"2019-01-29 20:03:58.713 Running Simulation",
"2019-01-29 20:03:58.713 Writing Output Tables",
"2019-01-29 20:03:58.809 Done."
IsFinal: if true then model run completed.