Model Data Get and Set Quick Start - openmpp/ GitHub Wiki
There multiple examples how to set input parameters, run the model and get results:
- run model from Python: simple loop over model parameter
- run RiskPaths model from Python: advanced parameters scaling
- run model from R: simple loop over model parameter
- run model from R: simple loop in cloud
- run RiskPaths model: advanced parameters scaling
- run RiskPaths model from R: advanced run in cloud
- oms web-service: How to prepare model input parameters
Also openM++ support following APIs:
- oms: openM++ web-service which you can use from any modern environment: Python, .NET, JavaScript, etc.
- openMpp R package
- Get model gata: dbget↗
- Copy, import or export model data: dbcopy↗
Quick examples below do not cover all possible options, please check links above and Model Run: How model finds input parameters for more details.
Following terms: "simulation member", "replica", "sub-sample" are often used in micro-simulation conversations interchangeably, depending on context. To avoid terminology discussion openM++ uses "sub-value" as equivalent of all above and some older pages of that wiki may contain "sub-sample" in that case.
There are two kind of model output tables:
- expressions table: model output value calculated as accumulators aggregated across sub-values (e.g.
) - accumulators table: output sub-values (similar to Modgen sub-samples)
All output accumulator tables always contain same number of sub-values, for example model run:
model.exe -OpenM.SubValues 16
will create 16 sub-values for each accumulator in each output accumulator table.
OpenM++ parameters can also contain sub-values. Parameters sub-values are not required, it is a user choice to run the model and supply sub-values for some parameters.
For example, if user wants to describe statistical uncertanty of parameter SalaryByYearByProvince
then .csv or .tsv file with 16 sub-values can be supplied to run the model:
model.exe -OpenM.SubValues 16 -SubFrom.SalaryByYearByProvince csv -OpenM.ParamDir C:\MyCsv\
Most of the model parameters are not changing between simulations and only few are varying. It is convenient to select all unchanged parameters from previous model run (from "base" run):
model.exe -Parameter.Ratio 0.7 -OpenM.BaseRunId 1234
model.exe -Parameter.Ratio 0.7 -OpenM.BaseRunDigest 5dc848891ea57db19d8dc08ec7a30804
model.exe -Parameter.Ratio 0.7 -OpenM.BaseRunName "My base run of the Model"
Above command do run the model with parameter Ratio = 0.7
and the rest of parameters values are the same as it was in previous run with id = 1234
It is also possible to use run diegst or run name to identify "base" model run:
model.exe -Parameter.Ratio 0.7 -OpenM.BaseRunDigest 5dc848891ea57db19d8dc08ec7a30804
model.exe -Parameter.Ratio 0.7 -OpenM.BaseRunName "My base run of the Model"
Please keep in mind, model run may not be unique and if database contains multiple model runs with the same name then first run will be selected.
It is possible to specify value of any scalar parameter as command line argument, for example:
model.exe -Parameter.Ratio 0.7
There is an example of such technique at Run model from R: simple loop over model parameter page, where we using NewCaseBased model to study effect of Mortality Hazard input parameter on Duration of Life output:
for (mortalityValue from 0.014 to 0.109 by step 0.005)
# run the model
NewCaseBased.exe -Parameter.MortalityHazard mortalityValue
If parameter is enum-based (e.g. classification) then you can specify code or enum id:
modelOne.exe -Parameter.baseSalary Full
modelOne.exe -Parameter.baseSalary 22 -OpenM.IdParameterValue true
If we want to run the model with multiple sub-values (a.k.a. sub-samples) and want "Grade" parameter sub-values to be created as [0, N-1] then:
model.exe -OpenM.SubValues 16 -SubFrom.Grade iota
as result sub-values parameter Grade
would be: [0, ..., 15]
Also any scalar parameter can be defined in model ini-file, i.e.:
model.exe -ini my.ini
; inside of my.ini file:
Z_Parameter = XYZ ; string parameter
SomeInt = 1234 ; integer parameter
OrLogical = true ; boolean parameter
Anumber = 9.876e5 ; float parameter
It is also possible to supply some (or even all) model parameters as CSV or TSV file(s). For example:
model.exe -OpenM.ParamDir C:\my_csv
If directory C:\my_csv\
exist and contains ParameterName.csv
or ParameterName.tsv
file then model will use it parameter values.
It is important to describe your parameter values to make sure model users clearly understand scenario data.
In order to do that you can supply
For example, C:\my_csv\Sex.csv
values of "Sex" parameter:
0, F, true
0, M, false
or it can be TSV file: C:\my_csv\Sex.tsv
sub_id dim0 param_value
0 F true
0 M false
And parameter value notes C:\my_csv\
Sex parameter values in this scenario contain indicators of increased gender-specific hazards.
If user want to supply up to 32 sub-values of "Sex" parameter:
0, F, true
0, M, false
1, F, true
1, M, true
31, F, false
31, M, true
Important: Presence of multiple sub-values in csv or tsv file (or in database) does not mean model will use all parameter sub-values. Only explicitly specified parameter(s) receiving sub-values.
For example, if user run the model 3 times:
model.exe -OpenM.SubValues 16
model.exe -OpenM.SubValues 16 -OpenM.ParamDir C:\my_csv
model.exe -OpenM.SubValues 16 -OpenM.ParamDir C:\my_csv -SubFrom.Sex csv
- "Sex" parameter expected to be in database and no sub-values used
- "Sex" parameter value is sub-value 0 from
- "Sex" parameter using sub-values [0, 15] from
By default model calculate all output tables and write it into database as model run results. Sometime it may be convenient to save only some output tables to reduce a time of each model run. This can be done by either suppressing model output table(s) or table group(s):
model.exe -Tables.Suppress ageSexIncome
model.exe -Tables.Suppress ageSexIncome,fullAgeSalary,A_TablesGroup
Or by suppressing output for all tables except of some:
model.exe -Tables.Retain ageSexIncome
model.exe -Tables.Retain ageSexIncome,fullAgeSalary,A_TablesGroup
Suppress and Retain options are mutually exclusive and cannot be mixed. For example, this model run would fail:
model.exe -Tables.Suppress ageSexIncome -Tables.Retain fullAgeSalary
Please notice: development of dbget
utility is not completed, additional functionality coming.
Dbget is a command line tool to export OpenM++ model metadata, input parameters and run results. It is reading from model database and produce CSV, TSV or JSON output.
Output all modelOne
model runs input parameters and output tables into CSV or TSV files:
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -csv
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -tsv
By default dbget produces language specific output based and language is determined by matching of user OS language to model languages.
Dimension labels in CSV or TSV files are language specific, for example it can be Männlich, Weiblich for Deutsche OS version.
If teher is no match between user OS language and model languages in database then default model language is used.
User can explicitly specify a language for dbget
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -lang FR
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -lang en-CA
Sometime you may want to have dimension item codes instead of language specific labels, e.g.: M
, F
instead of Male
, Female
It can be achived by using -dbget.NoLanguage
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -dbget.NoLanguage
You can suppress zero values or NULL values in output tables:
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -dbget.NoZeroCsv
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -dbget.NoNullCsv
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -dbget.NoZeroCsv -dbget.NoNullCsv
To redirect CSV files into a specific directory use:
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -dir my/output/dir
To use dbget
output in commands pipe do:
dbget -m modelOne -do all-runs -pipe
Important: by using -pipe
option you suppressing all error messages. Please always check exit code to avoid errors.
If model SQLite database file located outside of current directory then you use -db
dbget -db /some/dir/my.sqlite -m RiskPaths -do all-runs
To get only a specific run results and not all model runs please specifiy model run digest, run name, run stamp or run ID or special -dbget.LastRun
, -dbget.FirstRun
dbget -m modelOne -do run -dbget.FirstRun
dbget -m modelOne -do run -dbget.LastRun
dbget -m modelOne -do run -r "My special run"
dbget -m modelOne -do run -r "abcd12345efgh789eca"
dbget -m modelOne -do run -r "2024_07_16_18_34_42_038"
dbget -m modelOne -do run -dbget.RunId "1234"
To get only one parameter or one output table use -parameter
or -table
dbget -m modelOne -dbget.LastRun -parameter ageSex
dbget -m modelOne -dbget.LastRun -table salarySex
It may be convinient for you to use Modgen compatibilty views to get output from openM++ model databse compatible with old Modgen tools. Important: We are trying to mimic old Modgen database views as close as possible, however it is never be identical.* To get Modgen comaptible model metadata:
dbget -m modelOne -do old-model
dbget -m modelOne -do old-model -csv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-model -tsv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-model -json
dbget -m modelOne -do old-model -pipe
Get model run parameters and output tables values from Modgen compatibility views:
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -csv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -tsv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -lang fr-CA
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -dbget.NoLanguage
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -pipe
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -dir my/dir
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -dbget.NoZeroCsv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-run -dbget.NoNullCsv
Get parameter run values from compatibility (Modgen) views:
dbget -m modelOne -do old-parameter -dbget.Parameter ageSex
dbget -m modelOne -do old-parameter -dbget.Parameter ageSex -csv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-parameter -dbget.Parameter ageSex -tsv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-parameter -dbget.Parameter ageSex -lang fr-CA
dbget -m modelOne -do old-parameter -dbget.Parameter ageSex -dbget.NoLanguage
dbget -m modelOne -do old-parameter -dbget.Parameter ageSex -pipe
Get output table values from compatibility (Modgen) views:
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -csv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -tsv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -lang fr-CA
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -dbget.NoLanguage
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -pipe
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -dbget.NoZeroCsv
dbget -m modelOne -do old-table -dbget.Table salarySex -dbget.NoNullCsv
There are more features avaliable in dbget
, for example you can do microdata run comparison.
And also additional functionality will be added because dbget
is still under active development.
dbcopy -m modelOne
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.Zip
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.NoAccumulatorsCsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.NoMicrodata
It will create modelOne directory and modelOne.Zip file with:
- all model metadata (e.g. parameters, description, notes,...) in .json files
- csv files with sets of model input parameters
- csv files with model run results, input parameters and microdata
You can create .tsv output files instead of .tsv:
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.IntoTsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.IntoTsv -dbcopy.Zip
Model run microdata can be huge and if you are not intersted in it then use -dbcopy.NoMicrodata
to suppress it:
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.NoMicrodata
For each model run output table openM++ store expression values (e.g. average, CV, SE) and also accumulators.
Accumulators are sub-samples (a.k.a. sub-values or members or replicas, etc.) which used to produces output table aggregated expression value(s).
By default dbcopy
do output both: output table expressions and accumulators.
If you are interestred only expression values then use -dbcopy.NoAccumulatorsCsv
to suppress accumulators and get your results faster:
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.NoAccumulatorsCsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.Zip
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.NoAccumulatorsCsv
It will create modelOne directory and modelOne.Zip file with:
- all model metadata (e.g. parameters, description, notes,...) in .csv files
- csv files with sets of model input parameters
- csv files with model run results and input parameters
Each model run result and each input parameters set will be in separate sub-directory.
option to get your results faster by suppressing accumulators (a.k.a sub-sanples) output to CSV files.
You can create .tsv output files by using -dbcopy.IntoTsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.IntoTsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.IntoTsv -dbcopy.Zip
Other variation of csv or tsv output is:
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv-all
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv-all -dbcopy.IntoTsv
In that case all model runs will be in "all_model_runs" sub-directory and all input sets are in "all_input_sets".
You can suppress zero values and / or NULL (missing) values in output tables and microdata CSV files:
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.NoZeroCsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.NoNullCsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.To csv -dbcopy.NoNullCsv -dbcopy.NoZeroCsv
dbcopy -m modelOne -s modelOne_other -dbcopy.ParamDir pDir
It will create pDir
directory with:
- input parameters set metadata (name, description, notes,...) in .json file
- csv files with sets of model input parameters
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.LastRun
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.RunId 101
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.RunName modelOne_2016_11_22_11_38_49_0945_101
dbcopy -m modelOne -dbcopy.LastRun -dbcopy.NoAccumulatorsCsv
It will create a directory with:
- model run metadata (name, description, notes,...) in .json file
- csv files with input parameters used to run the model
- csv files with model output tables values
option to get your results faster by suppressing accumulators (a.k.a sub-sanples) output to CSV files.
dbcopy -m myModel -s MyInput -dbcopy.ParamDir Any -dbcopy.ToSqlite myModel.sqlite
If any ParameterName.csv
file(s) exist in directory Any
then it will be loaded into MyInput
set of input parameters.
It is recommended to run dbcopy -m modelOne -s modelOne_other -dbcopy.ParamDir Any
to get familiar how csv files look like.
dbcopy -m myModel -s MyInput -dbcopy.ToSqlite myModel.sqlite
It will insert or update MyInput set of input parameters in database with:
- if json metadata file exist then input set description, notes and parameter value note updated
- if any ParameterName.csv files exist then it will be loaded into database
It is recommended to run dbcopy -m modelOne -s modelOne_other -dbcopy.ParamDir Any
to get familiar how json and csv files look like.
Example of json metadata file for "ageSexData" input set of parameters with description, notes and ageSex
parameter value notes:
"ModelName" : "modelOne",
"Name" : "ageSexData",
"Txt" : [{
"LangCode" : "EN",
"Descr" : "Model One set of parameters"
"Param" : [{
"Name" : "ageSex",
"SubCount" : 1,
"Txt" : [{
"LangCode" : "EN",
"Note" : "Age by Sex values"
It is also must exist csv file with parameter values: ageSex.csv
Example of json metadata file for "emptyData" input set of parameters with description and notes in English and French:
"ModelName" : "modelOne",
"Name" : "emptyData",
"Txt" : [{
"LangCode" : "EN",
"Descr" : "Model One set of parameters",
"Note" : "Notes for model One set of parameters"
}, {
"LangCode" : "FR",
"Descr" : "Je suis désolé je ne parle pas français"