Hemisphere Vector GPS - olinrobotics/gravl GitHub Wiki

Hemisphere GPS


  • Install the ROS nmea_navsat_driver using the following command where <ROS version> is the version of ROS that you are using (eg. indigo, kinetic...)

sudo apt-get install ros-<ROS version>-nmea-navsat-driver


  • Documentation on ROS nmea_navsat_driver is located on ROS wiki (link)
  • Hemisphere data parser created by OARS (link)
  • The specs can be found here: link
  • We assume the measurements are taken from the central 4-sided divot on the top of the unit as high as the separation between black and white.


The hemisphere topics /heading and /gps/fix show up with rostopic list, but for example rostopic echo /heading yields no output. We connected to to the tractor battery because the electronics battery was low on voltage, and restarted the electronics for good measure. The issue persists.