Classes - ntemplon/legends-of-omterra GitHub Wiki


Each character in Legends of Omterra selects a class. A character's class is the primary factor in shaping what he or she ultimately becomes. Classes determine character's hit points, spell points, abilities, attack damage, and even what gear can be equipped.


The classes in Legends of Omterra are split into four main categories: Martial, Magical, Stealthy, and Aetherial.

  • Martial characters excel in physical combat, and offer high hit points, stamina, and damage. Martial characters are all about giving a the enemies a good thrashing.
  • Magical characters specialize in controlling the world around them, and offer large mana pools and powerful spells. Magical characters span a wide variety of roles, from fireball-hurling damage dealers to battlefield controlling masterminds.
  • Stealthy characters focus on the aspects of the game out of combat, offering stealth, lockpicking, thieving, and trapfinding skills, amount others. Some classes of this type offer sneak attack and other forms of tactical damage emphasizing positioning.
  • Aetherial classes specialize in their bond with the Aether, a magical energy that permeates Omterra as part of the main quest. They offer large aether pools and spells, like magical characters, but have more limited resources, and tend to offer additional benefits.

###List of Classes Martial



  • Archer
  • Ninja
  • Prowler


  • Mindweaver
  • Shaman
  • Warlock