Examples - nselem/corason GitHub Wiki


$ corason.pl -rast_ids rastIds -q query -s special_org


query DesD.query Special Org (Streptomyces coelicolor)
Optional arguments: Default

Main Hits Tree Clusters


To restrict cluster-hits number
$ corason.pl -rast_ids rastIds -q query -s special_org -b 700

Number of genes on cluster

$ corason.pl -rast_ids rastIds -q query -s special_org -c number_of_genes_on_cluster -b bit_score To restrict cluster-hits number

rescale windows size

$ corason.pl -rast_ids rastIds -q query -s special_org -c number_of_genes_on_cluster -b bit_score -rescale 100000

To restrict cluster-hits number

Chose only certain organisms

$ corason.pl -rast_ids rastIds -q query -s special_org -c number_of_genes_on_cluster -b bit_score -rescale 100000 -l

Core-Cluster Tree Clusters
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