Tutorials: 3D Mapping (ros1) - norlab-ulaval/Norlab_wiki GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is not up to date with the recent changes in the mapper. Refer to the ROS 2 version of the mapping guide instead: https://norlab-icp-mapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/UsingInRos/#__tabbed_2_2

This tutorial was created by Simon-Pierre Deschênes (Thanks :tada:). Note that a newer, ROS 2 version of this tutorial exists. You can find it here.


Copying the demonstration data

Copy the content from the Google Drive link in a folder named demo/ in your home folder.

(This tutorial is a copy from the PDF that you will find in the downloaded folder)

Installing libnabo

cd ~/
mkdir repos && cd repos/
git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/libnabo.git
cd libnabo/
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
sudo make install

N.B.: By default, parallel compilation is disabled. You can add the -j option followed by a number to set the maximum number of parallel jobs after the make command to allow a faster compilation. If you put nothing after -j , there will be no limit to the number of jobs.

Installing libpointmatcher

cd ~/repos/
git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/libpointmatcher.git
cd libpointmatcher/
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
sudo make install

Installing norlab_icp_mapper

cd ~/repos/
git clone https://github.com/norlab-ulaval/norlab_icp_mapper.git
cd norlab_icp_mapper/
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
sudo make install

Fetching libpointmatcher_ros

cd ~/
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws/src/
git clone -b melodic https://github.com/norlab-ulaval/libpointmatcher_ros.git

Fetching norlab_icp_mapper_ros

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone -b melodic https://github.com/norlab-ulaval/norlab_icp_mapper_ros.git

Fetching mapper_config_template

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone -b melodic https://github.com/norlab-ulaval/mapper_config_template.git

Compiling the catkin workspace

cd ~/catkin_ws/

Mapping basics

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes, the mapper node takes a lidar point cloud, registers it in the existing map using libpointmatcher and add it at the right place in the map. All of this is done while keeping track of the pose of the robot. During this process, some filters are applied on point clouds before and after map updates. Furthermore, between map updates (slow), the mapper continuously localizes the robot in the map (fast) to ensure good localization at all times.

Mapper configuration files

The mapper configuration template contains four important files :

  • params/icp_config.yaml : This file contains the ICP parameters used by libpointmatcher to do the registration of new point clouds in the map.
  • params/input_filters_config.yaml : This file contains the list of filters which are applied to the new point clouds before being processed.
  • params/map_post_filters_config.yaml : This file contains the list of filters which are applied to the map after adding the new point cloud.
  • launch/mapper.launch : This file contains general mapping parameters (e.g. map density, map update conditions, etc.)

Setting up the mapper for the demo

Open the file ~/catkin_ws/src/mapper_config_template/launch/mapper.launch and change the following parameter: points_in : velodyne_points -> rslidar32_points

Running the demo

rosparam set use_sim_time true
roslaunch mapper_config_template mapper.launch
rviz -d ~/demo/config.rviz
rosbag play ~/demo/demo.bag --clock --keep-alive

Adjusting mapping parameters

Lowering the map density

Open the file ~/catkin_ws/src/mapper_config_template/launch/mapper.launch and change the following parameter: min_dist_new_point : 0.03 -> 0.1

Changing the map update condition

Open the file ~/catkin_ws/src/mapper_config_template/launch/mapper.launch and change the following parameters:

  • map_update_condition : overlap -> distance
  • map_update_distance : 0.5 -> 5

Removing Warthog points

Open the file ~/catkin_ws/src/mapper_config_template/params/input_filters_config.yaml and add the following lines:

- BoundingBoxDataPointsFilter:
    xMin: -1.5
    xMax: 0.5
    yMin: -1
    yMax: 1
    zMin: -1
    zMax: 0.5
    removeInside: 1

Removing dynamic points

Open the file ~/catkin_ws/src/mapper_config_template/params/map_post_filters_config.yaml and add the following lines:

- SurfaceNormalDataPointsFilter:
    knn: 15

- CutAtDescriptorThresholdDataPointsFilter:
    descName: probabilityDynamic
    useLargerThan: 1
    threshold: 0.8

Open the file ~/catkin_ws/src/mapper_config_template/launch/mapper.launch and change the following parameter:

compute_prob_dynamic : false -> true

Saving the map

rosservice call /save_map "map_file_name:
   data: '$HOME/demo/demo.vtk'"

Final Result

Further information

A detailed tutorial about the YAML configuration file of libpointmatcher is available here. Finally, a full list of the mapper parameters and their description can be found here.