Lessons Learned - norlab-ulaval/Norlab_wiki GitHub Wiki

Darpa lessons learned

Here are few points that the lab should address to stabilize our field deployments:

  • Find a dedicated place for joysticks for each robot. We should not search for a joystick or be confused about which robot will be controlled
  • Color code similar hardware
  • Drill startup sequence
  • Hard drive and data management
  • Backup the NAS
  • Automatic ROS bag record on the start of each mission
  • Base station setup
  • Drift at the beginning of the maps
  • IMU and lidar must be fixed together and calibrated
  • Many tests BEFORE the event
  • Docker for each robots?
  • Stop bringing personal laptop to field deployments
  • If you deliver a robot, you need to control the full autonomy stack for tuning
  • Packaging and tools
  • Simple navigation behaviour
  • Multiple person on the same module
  • Synchronization of time, diagnostic
  • Screen on robot for diagnostic
  • Two bins for batteries: charged / uncharged
  • A way to take full control of the robot for transportation (by pass safety limitations)
  • Standard joystick button layout on all robots
  • Colored hex keys (hallen keys)
  • Special long pince
  • Tie wrapped that can be removed
  • Grinder that vibrates
  • Product vs prototype
    • Buck for power board
    • Sensors used by CSIRO
    • ANYmal
  • Student va professional
  • Ouster bad in smoke, high noise close range
  • Lidar navigation was a key module for all teams