RiskGauge Widget v7 - nodeGame/nodegame GitHub Wiki

  • status : complete
  • version : 7.x


Illustration of the RiskGauge widget

Measurament of risk preferences with the Holt and Laury method (only first 3 choices displayed).


The RiskGauge measures risk preferences. There are two elicitations methods available (gauges):

Main Options

Holt and Laury

  • values: array of values using to create the Holt and Laury lotteries. Default: [ 2, 1.6, 3.85, 0.1 ].
  • scale: a number multiplying the values. Default: 1.
  • currency: The currency symbol. Default: '$'.
  • of: String following the chance fraction and preceding the winning outcome. Default: ' chance to win '.
  • sep: separator between the two options in one lottery. Default: <span class="sep">and</span>.


  • boxHeight: a string containing a CSS rule for height of each box. Default: '30px'.
  • probBomb: probability that there is a bomb. Default: 1.
  • revealProbBomb: if TRUE, the actual probability that there is a bomb is revealed in the description of the task. Default: TRUE.
  • boxValue: reward for each opened box. Default: 0.01.
  • totBoxes: number of boxes to open. Default: 100.
  • maxBoxes: number of boxes that can be opened. Default: totBoxes - 1 if probBomb = 1, otherwise totBoxes.
  • boxesInRow: number of boxes to display in each row. Default: 10.
  • withPrize: if TRUE, the task is incentivized. Default: TRUE.
  • currency: The currency symbol. Default: 'USD'.


Holt and Laury

  • holt_laury_mainText: main text for Holt and Laury gauge.
  • mainText: backward-compatible alias.


  • bomb_mainText: main text for the Bomb gauge,
  • bomb_sliderHint: text above the slider,
  • bomb_boxValue: prize per box,
  • bomb_numBoxes: number of boxes,
  • bomb_totalWin: total reward,
  • bomb_openButton: text on the button to open the boxes,
  • bomb_warn: warning to open at least one box,
  • bomb_won: message for users who did not find the bomb,
  • bomb_lost: message for users who found the bomb.

Return Value

Holt and Laury

An object containing an entry for each choice. If a selection for one or more choice is missing, the object contains the property missValues equal to TRUE (see Usecase section for details).


An object containing the number of boxes chosen in the value property. If the user did not click on the 'Open Boxes' button yet, the object contains the property isCorrect equal to FALSE (see Usecase section for details).


Holt and Laury

// Creates and append a new RiskGauge widget with Holt and Laury gauge.
var root = document.body;
var risk = node.widgets.append('RiskGauge', root, {
    currency: 'ECU' // Overwrites the dollar sign.

// After userGet current values.
// {
//   "id": "holt_laury",
//   "order": [
//     0,
//     1,
//     2,
//     3,
//     4,
//     5,
//     6,
//     7,
//     8,
//     9
//   ],
//   "items": {
//     "hl_1": {
//       "id": "hl_1",
//       "choice": "1",
//       "time": 2740,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "1/10 chance to win ECU0.5<span class=\"sep\">and</span>9/10 chance to win ECU0.10",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 1,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_2": {
//       "id": "hl_2",
//       "choice": "0",
//       "time": 3683,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "2/10 chance to win ECU2.00<span class=\"sep\">and</span>8/10 chance to win ECU1.60",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 2,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_3": {
//       "id": "hl_3",
//       "choice": "0",
//       "time": 4057,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "3/10 chance to win ECU2.00<span class=\"sep\">and</span>7/10 chance to win ECU1.60",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 3,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_4": {
//       "id": "hl_4",
//       "choice": "0",
//       "time": 4657,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "4/10 chance to win ECU2.00<span class=\"sep\">and</span>6/10 chance to win ECU1.60",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 4,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_5": {
//       "id": "hl_5",
//       "choice": "1",
//       "time": 5605,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "5/10 chance to win ECU3.85<span class=\"sep\">and</span>5/10 chance to win ECU0.10",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 5,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_6": {
//       "id": "hl_6",
//       "choice": "1",
//       "time": 5929,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "6/10 chance to win ECU3.85<span class=\"sep\">and</span>4/10 chance to win ECU0.10",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 6,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_7": {
//       "id": "hl_7",
//       "choice": "0",
//       "time": 6666,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "7/10 chance to win ECU2.00<span class=\"sep\">and</span>3/10 chance to win ECU1.60",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 7,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_8": {
//       "id": "hl_8",
//       "choice": "1",
//       "time": 7002,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "8/10 chance to win ECU3.85<span class=\"sep\">and</span>2/10 chance to win ECU0.10",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 8,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_9": {
//       "id": "hl_9",
//       "choice": "0",
//       "time": 7897,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "9/10 chance to win ECU2.00<span class=\"sep\">and</span>1/10 chance to win ECU1.60",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 9,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     },
//     "hl_10": {
//       "id": "hl_10",
//       "choice": "1",
//       "time": 8571,
//       "nClicks": 1,
//       "value": "10/10 chance to win ECU3.85<span class=\"sep\">and</span>0/10 chance to win ECU0.10",
//       "group": "holt_laury",
//       "groupOrder": 10,
//       "isCorrect": true,
//       "attempts": []
//     }
//   },
//   "isCorrect": true
// }


// Creates and append a new RiskGauge widget with Holt and Laury gauge.
var root = document.body;
var risk = node.widgets.append('RiskGauge', root, {
        method: 'Bomb',
        title: false,
        probBomb: 0.5,
        revealProbBomb: false,
        texts: {
            buttonText: 'BOOOOM',


    value: 34,        // number of boxes opened.
    isCorrect: true,  // TRUE, if the user has clicked on the 'Open boxes' button
    isWinner: false,  // TRUE, if the user did not find the bomb after clicking on the 'Open boxes' button.
    reward: 0,        // Total reward for the user.
    time: 4444609,    // Time in milliseconds from the creation of the widget
    totalMove: 57    // Total movement of the slider.


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