MoodGauge Widget v7 - nodeGame/nodegame GitHub Wiki

  • status : complete
  • version : 7.x


Illustration of the MoodGauge widget

The MoodGauge measures the mood of a participant.


The MoodGauge measures the mood of a participant. The default measurement (gauge) is the "International Positive And Negative Affection Schedule (Short Form)," as found in Thompson (2007).

Main Options

  • emotions: is an array that specifies the emotions to test instead of the default ones.

Return Value

The return value is an object containing an entry for each of the emotions (see Usecase section). If a selection for one or more emotions is missing, then the return object contains the property missValues equal to TRUE.


// Create and append MoodGauge.
var root = document.body;
var mood = node.widgets.get('MoodGauge', root);

// After user made his or her selection, get current values.
// Object {
//     id: "ipnassf"
//     items: {
//         Active: {
//             id: "Active",
//             group: "ipnassf",
//             groupOrder: 10,
//             attempts: [],
//             choice: "3",
//             isCorrect: true,
//             nClicks: 1,
//             time: 9510
//         },
//         Afraid: Object
//         Alert: Object
//         Ashamed: Object
//         Attentive: Object
//         Determined: Object
//         Hostile: Object
//         Inspired: Object
//         Nervous: Object
//         Upset: Object
//    },
//    missValues: true,
//    order: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
// };


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️