InfoPanel API v7 - nodeGame/nodegame GitHub Wiki

  • status: complete
  • version: 7.x


The InfoPanel API is a subset of the Window API. The Info Panel is a configurable extra panel at the top of the screen, normally placed between header and main frame.


Illustration of the InfoPanel widget

In the figure above, the InfoPanel is the area of between the header and the main frame, here displayng the "Round Results." In the header, you can see the InfoPanel toggle button labeled "History," which opens and closes the InfoPanel.

Generate the Info Panel

  • W.generateInfoPanel(root, options, force): Appends the Info Panel to the page, adds a reference inside the W object, and returns it. All input parameters are optional. The options object is passed to the Info Panel constructor, and it accepts the following options (defaults):

    • 'className': a class name for the info panel div (''),
    • 'isVisible': if TRUE, the info panel is open immediately (false),
    • 'onStep:' an action ('clear', 'open', 'close') to perform every new step (null),
    • 'onStage:' an action ('clear', 'open', 'close') to perform every new stage (null).

API methods

  • InfoPanel.clear(): Clears the content of the Info Panel

  • InfoPanel.destroy(): Removes the Info Panel from the DOM and the internal references to it

  • InfoPanel.toggle(): Toggles the visibility of the Info Panel

  • InfoPanel.getPanel(): Returns the HTML element of the panel (div)

  • Opens the Info Panel

  • InfoPanel.close(): Closes the Info Panel

  • InfoPanel.createToggleButton(buttonLabel): Creates an HTML button with a listener to toggle the InfoPanel


   // Generate the info panel object.
   var infoPanel = W.generateInfoPanel();
   // The reference W.infoPanel is automatically created.

   // Generate the toggle button and append it to the header.
   this.historyButton = infoPanel.createToggleButton('History');

   // Add a new div to the info panel.
   this.historyDiv = document.createElement('div');
   this.historyDiv.innerHTML = '<h3>Game history</h3>';


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