Game Messages v7 - nodeGame/nodegame GitHub Wiki

  • status: complete
  • version: 7.x

Game Message

A game message is the fundamental data unit exchanged by node instances.

It is is composed of the following fields:

// A random generated unique id.
id: 735605,

// The session id as communicated by the server
// upon connection. Messages with a wrong session
// id will not be delivered.
session: "2614842012990266",

// The id of the client were the message was generated.
from: "435250987065956",

// The action field: "say", "set", or "get".
action: "say",

// The target field (see below for all accepted values).
target: "DATA",

// The client id of the recipient of the message.
to: "ID"

// The game stage during which the message was created.
stage: GameStage {
     stage: 1,
     step: 1,
     round: 1

// An optional field containing
data: Array[4],

// The timestamp of the creation.
created: "8-11-2014 13:28:47 898",

// A flag indicating whether this messages was forwarded.
forward: 0,

// The priority of the message. High priority
// messages are fired also when the game is paused.
priority: 0,

// A flag indicating whether an acknowledgment of
// the reception is requested. (NOT USED AT THE MOMENT).
reliable: 1

The TO Field

The TO field is a string with the client id or client id alias of the receiver. It can also accept the following special values:

  • ALL: Delivers to all clients in all channels.
  • CHANNEL: Delivers to all clients connected to the same channel as the sender.
  • ROOM: Delivers to all clients connected to the same room as the sender.
  • CHANNEL_channel_name: Delivers to all clients in the channel with name channel_name.
  • ROOM_room_id: Delivers to all clients in the room with id room_id.

The TO field can be modified by the server if the sender does not have the permissions to send a message to a particular recipient or set of recipients.

The TARGET Field

The TARGET field specifies the semantic meaning of the message. It can contain the following values:

  • HI: Welcome message by the server upon successful connection.
  • DATA: Generic data message.
  • REDIRECT: Message will redirect the client to a new URL.
  • ALERT: An alert message will be displayed in the client window.
  • PLAYER_UPDATE: Message containing an update from a player (e.g. change of state or stage levels).
  • LANG: Message will set the default language of the client.
  • SETUP: Message will setup one or more features of the client.
  • GAMECOMMAND: Message will execute a game command: "start", "stop", etc.
  • SERVERCOMMAND: A client is invoking a server command.
  • PCONNECT: A new player connected in the same room.
  • PDISCONNECT: A player disconnected from the same room.
  • PRECONNECT: A previously disconnected player reconnected.
  • MCONNECT: An administrator client (monitor) connected in the same room.
  • MDISCONNECT: An administrator client (monitor) disconnected from the same room.
  • PRECONNECT: A previously disconnected administrator (monitor) reconnected.
  • PLIST: Message containing an updated player list.
  • MLIST: Message containing an updated admin (monitor) list.

The server will ignore the message if the client does not have the permission for a specific target. By default, players can send only DATA and PLAYER_UPDATE messages.

Creating and sending custom game messages

To create a custom game message, you can use the method node.msg.create. All the game message's properties that are not specified are set to their default values.

// Creating a _DATA_ message.
var myMsg = node.msg.create({
    to: 'receiver',
    text: 'myData',
    data: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]

// Show all default fields.

GameMsg {
    id: 735605,
    session: "2614842012990266",
    from: "435250987065956",
    action: "say",
    target: "DATA",
    to: "receiver",
    text: "myData",
    data: Array[4],
    stage: GameStage {},
    created: "8-11-2014 13:28:47 898",
    forward: 0,
    priority: 0,
    reliable: 1

Once created, a message can be sent using the node.socket.send method which takes the game message as the input parameter.

// Sending the _DATA_ message previously created to 'receiver'.

The nodeGame server will then check the permissions of the sender before delivering the message.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️