DoneButton Widget v7 - nodeGame/nodegame GitHub Wiki

  • status : complete
  • version : 7.x


Illustration of the DoneButton widget

The DoneButton is a customizable button to call for the end of a step.


The DoneButton is a customizable button to call for the end of a step.

Main Options

  • id: The id of the button. Default: 'donebutton'.
  • button: A reference to an existing HTML button. Default: it creates a new one.
  • className: The name of class for the button, or an array of class names. Default: 'btn btn-lg btn-primary'.
  • text: The text to display on the button. Default: 'Done'.
  • disableOnDisconnect: Disable the button upon disconnection. Default: TRUE.
  • delayOnPlaying: The number of milliseconds to wait before enabling the button after the PLAYING event is fired (e.g., after a new step begins). Set to zero to enable it immediately. Default: 800.

Step properties

Whene a new step starts, the step-property donebutton is evaluated:

  • if equal to FALSE, the button is disabled;

  • if string, it is considered the text of the button,

  • if object, it may contain the following options (see above for explanations):

    • text,
    • enableOnPlaying,
    • delayOnPlaying.


Create and append a new DoneButton widget to the header.

var header = W.getHeader();
var doneButton = node.widgets.append('DoneButton', header, {
    text: 'Continue'

Change the text of the button at a given step.

stager.extendStep('stepId', {
    donebutton: {
        text: 'I am done'
    // Other step properties follow as needed.

Disable the button at a given step.

stager.extendStep('anotherStepId', {
    donebutton: false,
    // Other step properties follow as needed.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️