Client Configuration v7 - nodeGame/nodegame GitHub Wiki

  • status: complete
  • version: 7.x

Usually, there is no need to manually configure a node instance, as all default values are chosen automatically. However, the node.setup method allows one to obtain a fine-grained configuration in cases when it is needed. The syntax is the following:

node.setup('feature', settings);

Features configurable via setup

  • "verbosity":
// Sets the verbosity level for console output.
// Verbosity is an integer value, or one of the available levels:
//   - 'ALWAYS': -Number.MAX_VALUE,
//   - 'error': -1,
//   - 'warn': 0,
//   - 'info': 1,
//   - 'silly': 10,
//   - 'debug': 100,
//   - 'NEVER': Number.MAX_VALUE
// Current value is stored in node.verbosity. Default: 'warn'.
node.setup('verbosity', 'warn');
  • "env":
// Sets environment variables.
// Environment variables can be retrieved with node.env('myenv').
node.setup('env', { myenv: true });
  • "nodename":
// Assigns a name to the node instance.
// The name is stored under node.nodename, and it is added to every
// log message. Default: 'ng'.
node.setup('nodename', 'mynode');
  • "debug":
// If TRUE, errors are thrown, otherwise they are caught.
// In production, 'debug' should be set to FALSE.
node.setup('debug', true);
  • "events":
// Configures the Event Emitter.
node.setup('events', {
    // Logs to console all fired events.
    dumpEvents: false,
    // Stores a record of all fired events.
    history: false
  • "settings":
// Adds/updates variables in   
node.setup('settings', {
    foo: 'bar',
    foo2: 'bar2'
  • "metadata":
// Adds/updates variables in
node.setup('metadata', {
    name: 'The name of the Game',
    version: '1.0.0'
  • "player":
// Setups a new player object.
// A new player cannot be created while a game is running.
node.setup('player', conf);
  • "timer":
// Setup an existing timer object.
// Accepts one configuration parameter of the type:
//   - 'name': name of the timer. Default:
//   - options: configuration options to pass to the init method
//   - action: an action to call on the timer (start, stop, etc.)
// If options is an array, it will repeat the configuration of
// timers for each element in it.
node.setup('timer', options);
  • "plot":
// Modifies the current list stages and steps of the game
// plot must be an object containing the updated stages,
// and updateRule the string 'replace', or 'append'.
node.setup('plot', plot, updateRule);
  • "plist":
// Modifies the current list of connected players.
// plist must be an array of players, and updateRule
// the string 'replace', or 'append'.
node.setup('plist', plist, updateRule);
  • "lang":
// Sets the default language.
node.setup('lang', {
    name: 'English',
    shortName: 'en',
    nativeName: 'English',
    path: 'en/'
// Or:
node.setup('lang', 'English'); // Uses the first two letters to make shortName.
// Or:
node.setup('lang', [ 'English', true ]); // Sets en/ prefix for loading frames.
  • "host":
// Sets the uri of the host to connect to.
// By default, the host is retrieved from the value of window.location.
node.setup('host', '');
  • "socket":
// Sets the type of socket connections with additional options.
node.setup('socket', {
    type: 'SocketIo',
    reconnect: false

Features available in the browser only


  • "window":
node.setup('window', {
    // Displays a confirmation message if the user tries to leave the page.
    promptOnleave: false,
    // Pressing escape does not close the connection.
    noEscape: true,
    // Default position of the header.
    defaultHeaderPosition: 'left',
    // Does not display a context menu with the right click.
    disableRightClick: false,
    // Disables the back button in the browser interface.
    disableBackButton: true,
    // Sets the uri prefix for every new frame load (see W.setUriPrefix).
    uriPrefix: 'en-us',
    // Creates and configures a new wait screen (see WaitScreen).
    waitScreen: { ... },
    // Destroys the wait screen.
    waitScreen: false    
  • "page":
node.setup('page', {
   // Removes all elements in the body of the page.
   clearBody: true,
   // Removes all elements from page.
   clear: true,
   // Sets the title of the page.
   title: 'ABC',
   // Sets the title of the page and also adds a H1 block in the body.
   title: {
       title: 'ABC',
       addToBody: true
  • "frame":
node.setup('frame', {
   // Generates a new frame.
   generate: {
       // The id of the HTML element to which to append the frame.
       root: 'myid',
       // If TRUE, a new frame is created even if an existing one is found.
       force: true,
       // The name of the frame (default: 'ng_mainframe').
       name: 'foo',       
   // Load a new frame.
   load: 'myframe.html',
   // Load a new frame with options.
   load: {
       url: 'myframe.html',
       // Callback to execute after the frame has been loaded.
       cb: function() { console.log('loaded!'); },
       // Options to pass to W.loadFrame.
       options: { cache: { loadMode: 'reload' } }
   // Sets the uri prefix for every new frame load (see W.setUriPrefix).
   uriPrefix: 'en-us',
   // Clears the frame contents.
   clear: true,
   // Destroys the frame and removes it from DOM.
   destroy: true
  • "header":
node.setup('header', {
   // Generates a new frame.
   generate: {
       // The id of the HTML element to which to append the header.
       root: 'myid',
       // If TRUE, a new header is created even if an existing one is found.
       force: true,
       // The name of the header (default: 'ng_header').
       name: 'foo',       
   // Sets the position of the header on the page.
   position: 'top', // or 'bottom', 'left', 'right'.
   // Clears the header contents.
   clear: true,
   // Destroys the header and removes it from DOM.
   destroy: true


  • "widgets":
node.setup('widgets', {
   // Registers new widgets.
   widgets: {
       // Widget 1.
       mywidget: function() { ... },
       // Widget 2.
       mywidget2: function() { ... }
   // Destroys all widgets.
   destroyAll: true,
   // Appends a new widget.
   append: {
      VisualRound: {
          // The id of the root element (default: append to page).
          root: 'rootId', 
          // Other options for the widget.
  • waitroom":
// See WaitingRoom widget for all configuration options.
node.setup('waitroom', { ... } });
  • requirements":
// See Requirements widget for all configuration options.
node.setup('requirements', { ... } });

Configure them all

Alternatively, the configuration for each element can be grouped together in a single object and call the setup method with the 'nodegame' label.

node.setup('nodegame', {
    debug:  true,
    window: { ... },
    // ...

Remote configuration

Every logic can remotely invoke setup functions via the following command:

node.remoteSetup('feature', 'recipientId');

Current configuration

All settings specified with node.setup are stored in the node.conf object.

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