Building the Flasher cable 2 - nlimper/Mini-AP-v4 GitHub Wiki

Collect all parts


Pogo pins

Insert the 10 pogo pins into the nylon connector. You can use a small handdrill with an 1 mm drill to widen the holes a little bit if needed.



Be careful: The pogo pins are fragile. If you apple to much sideways force, they break easily

Safety warning: The pogo pins are very sharp. Take care when applying force, to not let them slip away. It hurts to have a pogo pin slip under your finger nails or into your skin. Be careful!

Put the pcb on top.

Solder the pins

Applying flux might help. It's all a bit finicky. Nobody said it would be easy. ;-)

If you own a 3D printer, it might help to print a small jig to hold the pins in place. See this stl file


Mount the cap

No glue needed, it is friction fit into place.




Instructions how to use: Connecting the flasher cable
