About: Working with ThinkUp and Git - nilakshdas/ThinkUp GitHub Wiki

ThinkUp users have three options for installing the application:

  1. Users-only: Download the last tagged version of ThinkUp’s files and install the app with no auto-update capabilities. (Users only)
  2. Users-only: Use git to install a clone of the main source and run updates to keep your installation current with the development trunk. (Users only)
  3. Developers: Fork the project in order to contribute to the codebase, then commit your changes and request they get merged into the development trunk. See the Developer Guide: Get the Source Code from GitHub and Keep It Updated for instructions on how to do this.

Each option gets progressively more involved. You may find it worthwhile to execute each one in order, advancing to the next as you get comfortable with each step.

Option 1: Install the Last Tagged Version of ThinkUp (No Auto-Updates)

Download the .tgz or .zip files and follow the installation instructions to create a working version of ThinkUp on your own server. Using this method you will only be able to install ThinkUp, not contribute code to it. The last tagged version is not the most up-to-date copy of the code.

ThinkUp Downloads

Option 2: Install the Current Source (with Auto-Update Capabilities via Git Clone)

ssh into your development server with git installed and run the following commands to download the files and make it easy to merge updates as the project progresses:

$ git clone git://github.com/ginatrapani/ThinkUp.git 
$ git pull origin

Option 3: Fork the Repository to Contribute Code

See the Developer Guide: Get the Source Code from GitHub and Keep It Updated for instructions on how to do this.

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