TableInfo: project.tsv - nih-cfde/published-documentation GitHub Wiki

The C2M2 project entity is a generic container for groups of files, biosamples and/or subjects that are part of the same research endeavor.

At least one project must be defined as the root (top-level project) for each submitting Common Fund Program, representing the Program itself. The project.tsv table will have one row for each project you define. Subprojects can be assigned using the project_in_project.tsv table.

Field Field Description Required? Field Value Type Extra Info
id_namespace A CFDE-cleared identifier representing the top-level data space containing this project [part 1 of 2-component composite primary key] Required string id_namespace is a unique URI prefix pre-registered with CFDE and attached to your program (or a subset of your program) that identifies anything labeled with it as belonging to you. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is built and used.
local_id An identifier representing this project, unique within this id_namespace [part 2 of 2-component composite primary key] Required string The string formed by concatenating the id_namespace and local_id field values must be unique for each row in this table. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is to be used.
persistent_id A persistent, resolvable (not necessarily retrievable) URI or compact ID permanently attached to this project Optional string Meant to serve as a permanent address to which landing pages (which summarize metadata associated with this project) and other relevant annotations and functions can optionally be attached. Please see the technical documentation for a full discussion of how this information is to be used.
creation_time An ISO 8601 -; RFC 3339 (subset)-compliant timestamp documenting this project's creation time Optional (string) YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±NN:NN Examples:
2021-01-08T00:00:00-00:00 ("Jan 8, 2021")
2021-00-00T00:00:00-00:00 ("2021")
2021-01-08T00:45:40-04:00 ("Jan 8, 2021, 12:45:40AM, Zulu minus 4")
Please see the technical documentation for a complete treatment.
abbreviation A very short display label for this project Optional string Should not exceed 10 characters; can only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z and underscore ("_")
name A short, human-readable, machine-read-friendly label for this project Required string Must be unique to each project.
description A human-readable description of this project Optional string
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